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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…the BBC, Timm handed over his rob to the church warden after last Sunday’s service; he was scheduled to marry his partner on Thursday. Pink News reports that Prince William took part in a session on bullying and homophobia in schools, which it called “a surprising royal first.” Given the Monarch’s role as head of the Commonwealth, and as 90% of Commonwealth citizens still live under anti-gay laws, the Royals generally avoid all reference to gay eq…

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100 Religious Leaders to Obama: No Religious Exemption in ENDA Executive Order

…in part (emphasis mine): In our democratic nation, we believe that public service—especially when it is directly supported by the federal government and our tax dollars—must be aligned with the Constitutional principle that all people deserve equal treatment under the law. Requiring all federal contractors to operate according to the same set of non-discriminatory hiring practices is more than fair; it is a critical safeguard that protects all pa…

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Growing Up Gay in 666: Fred Phelps in Retrospect

…God Hates Fags”—then I must be the Antichrist. The fact that the US Postal Service assigned “666” as Topeka’s zip code prefix the year I was born underscored my destiny as ultimate evil; even if Phelps said that about all homosexuals. Phelps is currently making his case about homosexuality to the US Supreme Court in Snyder v. Phelps. Legal scholars think the case is about First Amendment freedoms of speech and religion; military families think it’…

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3 Reasons the SCOTUS Challenge to Contraceptive Mandate is a “Religious Liberty” Stalking Horse

…ealth insurance plans cover no-cost contraceptives as a basic preventative service. While the case is being widely portrayed in the media as the plaintiffs challenging the mandate, they are actually challenging the exemption from the mandate that they have already been granted. [See Kara Loewentheil’s post for more on this.] The Little Sisters and the other plaintiffs charge that merely notifying the government that they are opting out of providin…

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Eddie Long Plays Victim

…down—forces he won’t hesitate to attack himself. In both the early morning service and in remarks to the media afterwards, Long spoke but took no questions. That’s because he can’t be questioned—he’s God’s anointed one. What the media is missing in the frenzy of the sex abuse allegations is how Long allegedly coerced these young men into sexual acts with him. They were under his “spiritual authority.” They were his “spiritual sons.” They had to ca…

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Religious Right Panic: “Anarchy” will Result if DADT is Repealed

…ed to “water down their teachings” or perhaps even be barred from military service in the future if they hold beliefs that condemn homosexuality. Austin Nimocks, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, even found a way to mix the concern about rampant sex and religious liberty with over-the-top rhetoric: No American, especially those serving in the armed forces, should be required to check their religion at the door. The agenda that is pushi…

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What to Wear When Praying with the Pope

I made a lot of jokes about what to wear to the Pope’s Interfaith Service at Ground Zero yesterday. I was so thrilled to be invited that I needed a slant way to lose my pride and let it imitate the Pope’s humility. Thus the question of what to wear was my sneaky way of alerting people I had been invited by the Cardinal. Yup, the Cardinal. I know, I am bragging again. As I left the house, my husband said, “I look forward to touching your hem when…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…about an Anglican priest in Nova Scotia who offered a “grace for gadgets” service over Labor Day weekend during which the faithful had to opportunity to have their smartphones, laptops, and other mobile electronic devices blessed. In a similar vein, earlier this year, a Methodist church in Texas began offering special worship packets for children that include MP3 players so that they are able to “hear the gospel in their own child language.” Both…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…rfully consider” Welby’s letter, reports Fredrick Nzwili for Religion News Service. But Wabukala said the problems in the communion are not about structure but about “false teaching” and that the solution is restoring the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion. Indonesia: Online photos of gay wedding ceremony spark backlash Photos of a wedding ceremony between two men being blessed by a Hindu holy man have reportedly sparked outrage among so…

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Chilean Mine Rescue: Largest Global Spiritual Event Ever?

…Digital social media, that is, has allowed us to employ technology in the service of real and meaningful engagements with others even when these engagements are not face-to-face. The 6,040 people in the Facebook group “Chilean Miners,” for instance (people from Germany, Ireland, Argentina, Canada, Ohio, Wyoming, and so on) were watching the live feed from the mine in their homes, workplaces, cafes and other distributed locales, but praying togeth…

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