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Religious Freedom Is No Carte Blanche: Highlights from Mississippi HB 1523 Court Ruling

…es of their actions. LGBT Mississippians, in turn, were “put in a solitary class with respect to transactions and relations in both the private and governmental spheres” to symbolize their second-class status.   Just because a law doesn’t spell out L-G-B-T doesn’t mean it isn’t discriminatory: It is also inconceivable that a discriminatory law can stand merely because creative legislative drafting limited the number of times it mentioned the targe…

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River Baptism

Will Church Attendance Reduce Bigotry? A Response to Peter Beinart

…ar (or at least much less observant), particularly among the white working class. That same class is despairing of its aspirations for upward mobility, and at least among their evangelical members, the less frequent attenders tend to have less tolerance for Muslims, blacks and Hispanics. (Oddly, they’re more tolerant of gays and feminists.) An article in The Christian Post, of all places, explains what might be going on here. One idea is that as p…

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Will Dems Find Moxie to Resist Immoral GOP Tax Plan?

…s on this one. Unlike Roosevelt, they will decline to be traitors to their class. Yes, for immediate political advantage they will point to the extent to which Trump himself will benefit if the “reform” package goes through. But they won’t touch the larger premise, which is that you can meet the needs of the poor and the working class by doing huge favors to the rich. They won’t let themselves be troubled by another of FDR’s prophetic utterances:…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…ng video of male students in the shower and locker room Jason Dauer, a gay class of 2017 GCC alum who played a leading role in confronting the administration over its choice of Mike Pence as his graduating class’s commencement speaker, likewise wanted to fill me in on certain facts. According to Dauer, who is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, my positive assessment of the lack of censorship of GCC’s stud…

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Pastor David Brooks, Your Sermons Are Growing Stale…

…ust one example, your recent column about disconnected “haphazard” working class men identifies a real problem; there is no doubt on that score. But you place religious practice and affiliation in the category of palliative resources for those being crushed by the new ruthless economy, whereas the religion usually referred to as prophetic—a form of religion we still regard as indispensable—sees faith as much more than a kind of backstop for those…

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Arguments That Caste Protections ‘Unjustly Target’ South Asians Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

…nd caste” and “render all South Asians … as an inherently bigoted, suspect class that requires a special anti-discrimination category.” They contend that by instituting caste protections, Cal State would be singling out “Indians and, to a greater extent, Hindus” for unique profiling as a “suspect class,” placing them at risk of policing and discrimination. In particular, the authors of the February 3 article argue that Cal State’s policy is “unlaw…

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Has American Conservatism Abandoned the Christian Right?

…o protect these people, Middle Americans of all racial backgrounds—working class and middle class—to protect them against what I think is a hostile and nihilistic elite that is seeking to impose its values onto the working and middle classes to bolster their own power, prestige, status and achievement.” Yet, a closer look at the issues these two figures have championed reveals how Christian nationalism remains an animating force in the GOP’s cultu…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…or example, they purposely paired him up with one of the top cadets in the class, who had undergone Navy SEAL training and weighed at least 70 pounds more than Adam, to fight in a mud pit. “I had spaghetti arms by the time we were done,” Adam recalled. Adam was not a good fit for policing because he did not engage in the kind of violence the institution demanded. Adam’s classmates who did make it through the academy were those who successfully ali…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…The already-very-comfortable people getting this big wet kiss from working-class hero Joe Biden are those whom Lewis Lapham taught me to refer to as achievatrons: many of them doing well in the so-called “knowledge” professions, which (let’s admit it) often amounts to knowing the right people and having the right connections. Here is the most pernicious feature of the deal on marginal rates, a feature that Sen. Tom Harkin, who voted “no,” rightly…

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TED-Evangelism Harkens Back to a Forgotten 19th-Century Tradition

…ure of ideas. They went to see and to be seen, and to perform their middle-class-ness, just as attendance at a TED or TEDx conference, or association with that brand, signals membership in the creative class. TED and the lyceum movement also share an enormous confidence in the power of ideas to lift up society and individuals. This is a progressive vision, but it’s largely divorced from politics. Lyceum lecturers would often touch on political iss…

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