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Praying for a Victory: Packed Supreme Court Takes Up Yet Another Christian Nationalist Cause

…crisy.) They’re not seeking a right to exercise religion in a personal way free from government interference, but to use government power to extend the reach of that religious exercise over the entire community. When it asked the Supreme Court to take the case, the Institute brazenly claimed the prayers were “a quiet prayer by himself,” a “personal prayer,” and “a silent or quiet prayer.” As the photos show, this is untrue.…

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Circuit Court Rejects Priests for Life Contraception Challenge

…The court concluded that PFL’s rights are not violated under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and it is still free to hate on birth control: All Plaintiffs must do to opt out is express what they believe and seek what they want via a letter or two-page form. That bit of paperwork is more straightforward and minimal than many that are staples of nonprofit organizations’ compliance with law in the modern administrative state. Religious nonprofi…

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White Supremacy, Mental Illness, or Society: What’s to Blame for Religious Violence?

…fairly specific set of institutions and political positions, is regularly used as code for “most of Islam.” And those who obsesses about Islamism often flirt with more bald-faced statements of Islamophobia. Critics of white supremacy and patriarchy, on the other hand, point out that these ideologies are pervasive in the culture at large. The blame casts a wide net, not in order to single out a minority group, but in order to implicate a culture t…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…Christian society and a form of religious politics that will make biblical code the law of the United States. These activists are quite serious about bringing Christian politics into power. Bray said that it is possible, under the right conditions, for a Christian revolution to sweep across the United States and bring in its wake Constitutional changes that would allow for biblical law to be the basis of social legislation. Failing that, Bray envi…

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Pat Robertson’s Women Warriors Leading Spiritual Warfare In Zimbabwe

…ons but, like the Bush Administration before it, the administration has refused because of Mugabe’s ongoing human rights abuses, including controlling the country’s diamond wealth by military force and violence, and repression of political opposition and free press. Legalizing Homosexuality Could “Bring a Curse” The EFZ/ACLJ pamphlet also calls for constitutional prohibitions on both abortion, by defining life as “beginning at conception,” and on…

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Growing Up Gay in 666: Fred Phelps in Retrospect

…ten by and for first-century Christians, a people under siege, the authors used allegory and coded language to convey a message of hope to believers and to protect authors from certain death at the hands of their oppressors. The author of Revelations suggests readers may not understand the severe trials and tribulations of their time, but reminds them that Jesus teaches in Christ all is well. Where Revelations was, “once seen as encouragement to h…

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Is Religion the Only Tool Left for Legal Discrimination?

…tions for LGBT people vary so widely by state, city, and locality, whereas freedom of religion (notably not “religious freedom”) is a core value enshrined in the Constitution, it’s safe to assume that those who believe their “traditional values” are under assault will continue to use every weapon at their disposal in an effort to fend off the inevitable. It remains to be seen how successful the American right wing’s understanding of “religious fre…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Reversal on Contraception

…Spirit guided his pronouncements. “The Church cannot change her answer because this answer is true because the Catholic Church, instituted by Christ could not have so wrongly erred during all those centuries of its history,” they wrote. As one of the conservative theologians famously asked one of the female members of the commission, what would happen to “the millions we have sent to hell” for using contraception if the teaching were suddenly chan…

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Do Psychedelics Offer a Path To The “God Within”?

…t to Mass.” Moreover, it’s not even clear that the same substance is being used. While contemporary researchers use synthetic psilocybin, for someone like Sabina, the mushroom itself is essential, and cannot be separated from its chemical makeup. She referred to the mushrooms as “the saint children.” My point is not to say that Richards and other researchers use such substances inauthentically, as if they’re merely appropriating for their own purp…

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What Is Wheaton College’s Theological Objection to Contraception?

…types of contraceptives, there was no reason that other employers couldn’t use the same logic to refuse to provide all contraception. Her prediction came true on Tuesday when the court ordered the reconsideration of several other suits that had been rejected by lower courts which objected to the provision of all contraceptives, surprising many who figured the conservative Catholic justices would at least wait until the ink was dry on the Hobby Lob…

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