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How (and Why) A Determined Sit-In Worked

…’ offices pretty much go directly in the trash. They pay more attention to phone calls and letters, but street protests don’t bother them at all, unless they’re on cable news, which they almost never are. Hashtags? Changing your Twitter avatar? Forget about it. Popular protest does play a supporting role in getting us to a point where something like the Congressional sit-in works. So do the organizations—including the religious groups—who sponsor…

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When Auschwitz Becomes a Poké Stop

…on who are visible in the “real” physical environment of the player, as mediated through the phone’s camera. As one player told a reporter: “This is full on escapism, where I’m like ‘let me just go catch some Pokémon and ignore the news.’” What news is she talking about? The murders of Sterling and Castile and the Dallas police officers. She is referring to the news of death. But in a matter of days Pokemon Go has changed our relationship with dea…

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Sometimes Salvation Looks Like Rage: An Open Letter to “Non-denominational” Churches

…having economic viability, and not having worth. Like Tamar, these ‘New Pariahs’ are forced into acts of desperation—whether it be through participating in black market activity, defending territory, or refusing to cooperate with authorities—that result in stigma and alienation. In the Tamar story what is understood as righteous is completely upended and re-defined. Righteousness is not just what doctrine or dogma one adheres to, righteousness is…

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Why It’s Heresy to Read the Bible Literally: An Interview with John Shelby Spong

…ar drop-out. I’ve heard you say before that the exodus from religion, especially by millennials, is happening because we’re 21st-century people still trying to hold 4th-century beliefs. Back then it was clear that God was above the sky and could look down and see all of your misbehavior and put it in the Book of Life and make you face it at the time of your judgment. There’s enormous behavior control operating. Galileo rendered God homeless and Is…

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Kendrick Lamar’s Hip-Hop Jeremiad

For Kendrick, hell is America’s creation of the ghettos, its prison industrial complex, its clandestine torture dungeons in poor neighborhoods. This is hell. This is the literal hell. And glimpsing this hell drives both our prophets into the abyss. Both are traumatized at the godforsakenness of their personal situations— a microcosm of their society’s ills. Kendrick says: I made To Pimp a Butterfly ‘for you / told me To use my vocals to save man-k…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…ns came home with severe combat stress. But “between 1968 and 1980 no official diagnosis for stress disorders was available,” Andreasen writes. PTSD entered the lexicon with the 1980 publication of DSM-III. If we imagine the range of human experiences as a landscape, then the creation of a diagnosis is bit like a incorporating a city. It does not create the houses or the people who live there, but it gives them boundaries with which to define them…

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“What Kind of Islam Is That?”: Talking With Refugees From ISIS

…’t really religious. The Kurd told a story that he had heard about a Christian Syrian who was arrested by an ISIS soldier at check point. The ISIS soldier asked the Christian to state his religion. “Muslim,” the Christian said, trying to save himself. The ISIS fighter then asked the Christian to prove it by reciting the Qur’an. The Christian mumbled some verses from the Bible, the only scripture he knew. “Good enough,” said the ISIS militant, unaw…

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The Only Religion Question Reporters and Debate Moderators Should Ask Presidential Candidates (Kim Davis Edition)

…Davis. Jindal told the Huffington Post that religious liberty “is an essential freedom and an essential right and I don’t think you give up this right by simply taking a job.” Cruz said on his Facebook page, “we must be vigilant to protect the free exercise of religion — a value enshrined in our Constitution. We should make it possible for believers, such as Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in Kentucky, to hold government jobs without having to violat…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Ten Writers on the End of an American Adventure

…erican theologians were delving into what was known as the gospel of Christian Atheism, a California dance band re-named themselves, and the Warlocks became the Grateful Dead. #6 : “Ripple” is a Spiritual Manifesto by Jim Burklo The Dead sang, plucked, and pounded inexorably onward toward a palpably approaching ecstasy with no knowable when, where, or how… #7 : I Love You More Than Words Can Tell by David Vanderveen It takes humility to admit that…

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Terror In South Carolina

…hows him wearing patches of the flags of apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia and sitting on a car with a license plate bearing the words “Confederate States of America.” He reportedly said, after sitting for an hour next to Pinckney and other worshippers at Emanuel, and after shooting them, and after a worshipper attempted to talk him out of reloading his gun, “I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you hav…

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