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Why Conservatives Really Oppose Federal Aid for the ‘Undeserving’

…metimes you gotta help those big city folks too, you know. As deep as the scar of racism runs in American society, though, there’s something even deeper at work here. Stoehr is right to point out the economic hierarchicalism that pervades this attitude. Somewhere along the way, Republicans went from Reagan’s belief that maybe the government should step off the necks of the wealthy a little, to Trump’s brag that he could shoot someone on Fifth Aven…

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‘We’re all in this together’: The Perils of Kumbaya Rhetoric

…nsolidate their strength in relation to smaller businesses and as the American caste system grows still more rigid and more suffocating for those at the bottom. In a searing exploration of the liberal mindset in relation to policing, Yannick Marshall notes how the repeated mantra of “We will hold them accountable!” in the mouths of the liberals “assumes the benevolence of the violent” and functions to obscure the centuries-long persistence of leth…

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Why the ‘Confession & Redemption’ Path is Unlikely to Help Falwell Recover from Sex Scandal

…at first to fall into familiar patterns of confession in cases of evangelical sex scandals. He seemed to be largely dodging personal responsibility and placing the bulk of the blame on his wife. This confession appeared to be perfectly designed to serve as the first step of his rehabilitation by situating him as a longsuffering and forgiving husband. But now? “His redemption in evangelical circles will likely depend on which version [of the story…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…wanted to do something serious; I wanted to look into fake news. And then Carole Cadwalladr’s story [co-written by Emma Graham-Harrison] with whistleblower Chris Wylie broke and the headlines just rolled across the world. I followed the committee for a year. They went to America, the first committee to ever do so, to interview Google, Twitter, Facebook. And as these tech companies lied, and they lied some more, it became a very interesting story….

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I Agree: Critical Race Theory is Indeed Incompatible With Southern Baptist Convention’s ‘Faith and Message’

…oint statement, the president of my alma mater, Al Mohler, said, “such advocacy [Critical Race Theory] has no rightful place within an SBC seminary.” And, as I noted earlier, he is correct. If the seminary wishes to maintain its white supremacy, then such advocacy—led by scholars of color like myself—has no place in a white SBC seminary. Because all professors “must agree to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message,…

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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…at that. I’m not seeing a lot of evidence that “some” adds up to a significant number. Not, at least, on the grounds of Novavax’s supposed selling point. To be fair, that’s not all there is to the piece. In fact, the question about Novavax’s allure reads like a wrapper for a bigger narrative about anti-vaxx activism merging with right-wing Christian nationalism. There’s an interesting story to be told there, and you should follow all the links in…

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The Same Toxic Christian Right Theology Supports Both the Online Bullying I Experienced and the Cruel Anti-Trans Policy in TX — And it’s Not Remotely Fringe

…o support their children in accessing age-appropriate gender-affirming medical care. They started with a state CPS employee, referred to as “Jane Doe,” who has a 16-year-old transgender daughter (“Mary Doe”) and says she feels “betrayed by my state and the agency for whom I work.” In light of this development, Texas has unequivocally become ground zero for the nationwide assault on trans people being carried out by the Christian Right and the GOP—…

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Evangelicals Clutching Pearls Over Student Debt Relief: Lord Have Mercy!

…ther words, is tied to this larger story of the transformation of the American political economy in the last decades of the 20th century, a transformation that you can see, in politics, with the suburban tax revolts of the 1970s and the rise of the ‘welfare queen’ as an object of ridicule and contempt in the 1980s. This is America, friends. It will be a cold day in Hell before you will find “Christian” commentary on these shores that refers to “op…

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In Hamline Case, the ‘Free Expression vs. Religious Sensibilities’ Frame Obscures a Stark Reality About Higher Education

…tely, many universities allow space for critical inquiry. And, in addition to the petition in support of Dr. López Prater issued by a group of academics specializing in Islamic Studies and allied fields, both the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and even the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have issued statements of support. They’re rightfully concerned about the stifling of academic freedom in universities. But we should also be c…

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70th National Prayer Breakfast Made ‘Cosmetic’ Changes, But Biden Delivered the Same Old Tone-Deaf ‘Unity’ Message

…ing to secular Americans and much of the Democratic base, sacralizing American political life and calling for “unity” and “comity” with those who want to deprive the marginalized of their rights. Gushing over the NPB itself, Biden stated that he was “honored to continue the tradition started by President Eisenhower.” From there, he launched into what amounts to a Christian sermon peppered with patriotic sentiment. Continuing with his calls for an…

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