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Restoring Dignity: The Employee Free Choice Act

…950s and 1960s, creating something new on the face of the earth: a working class capable of enjoying a middle-class living standard. As late as 1973—also the peak year for real worker income in the United States—union density hovered at around 25% in the private sector. Today that number is just 7.4%. The bargaining power and the political clout of organized labor have been effectively eviscerated. Why the drastic fall-off in union density? The st…

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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…that number seems staggeringly high. A full third? Once you delve into the numbers, though, 34% doesn’t seem quite so high. Really, Pew has asked an excellent question—a question that reveals the full tangle of ambiguities and inconsistencies that surround the topic of Jewish identity. First, some background: when the researchers at Pew set out to conduct this survey, they quickly ran into a problem that’s been under discussion for at least two th…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…st Amendment’s Establishment Clause by permitting religion to be taught in class, and for failing to protect their son. Federal law allows such civil liberties cases to be filed anonymously. Freshwater has filed a countersuit, citing defamation of character. In July, the school board suspended Freshwater without pay based on the investigatory report, saying he had misused the electrical device, taught religion in his science class, and failed to f…

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…rsistent critic of teaching evolution in the state’s public school science classes. Despite his belief in Young Earth Creationism, McLeroy, a dentist from College Station told the Dallas Morning News last year, “Creationism and intelligent design don’t belong in our science classes. Anything taught in science has to have consensus in the science community—and intelligent design does not.” But just as Buckingham’s arguments for intelligent design w…

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New for Democrats: Non-Personhood for the Non-Rich

…six figures who now imagine themselves to be part of the struggling middle class. Meanwhile, the people who actually are part of the struggling middle class are being plucked like so many chickens, with their unions under assault, their kids in lousy schools, their shot any kind of retirement security being stripped away with the blessing of the Democrats. As I write this, I am hearing White House factotums and leading Democratic shills talking ab…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…y. No longer was the voice of “the hood,” as a stand-in for the black underclass, dominant. The College Dropout effused the anxieties of a particular black bourgeois sensibility, and the album put the lie to the myth that hip hop and middle-class identity are mutually exclusive. In fact, on the track “All Falls Down,” Kanye performed an overdose of the proverbial “conspicuous consumption” as he rapped: I wanna act ballerific like it’s all terrific…

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Millennials Invent New Religion: No Hell, No Priests, No Punishment

…st as “feel good” about the religion as the original founders. I asked the class after the presentations why they all chose to eschew the idea of hell. “Religion today is so … judgmental,” one student offered. “Yeah,” another agreed. “We don’t need some church telling us what to do when they don’t practice what they preach.” Here they were utterly consistent with an oft-cited poll of a few years ago, in which many millennials said they found the c…

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The End of Roe and School Prayer: America is Not Ready to Be a Christian Nation

…hristian nation where conservative white Christians are a special, favored class and all others are second class citizens. The separation of church and state is one bedrock that protects and enshrines equality in a way that too many of us do not understand, but which will be painfully obvious when it’s gone. That separation is what ensures that we all have freedom without favor, and equality without exception. That separation is America. And if th…

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What Can Fascination With ‘Sister Cindy’ Teach Us About the ‘None’ Generation?

…ew I’d say yes. It was a beautiful spring day during the last full week of classes at the end of the great Covid school year coop-up. More importantly, the course considered issues of religion, (in)tolerance, and free speech, and we had discussed Cindy’s bombastic preaching earlier in the semester. Fully vaccinated, I offered, in lieu of class, to livestream the sermon for the few students who didn’t plan to attend. Around two hundred people came…

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Shameful GOP Tax Plan Taxes Reality

…he Democrats and their allies are willing to call out a perfect example of class warfare waged by the overclass against the rest of us. In my view, far too many Democrats are entirely comfortable with neoliberal economics: they fully accept the thesis that a corporate-friendly regime of deregulation and low taxes is good for everyone. Far too many Dems depend on Wall Street and the 1% to fund their campaigns. Far too many are perfectly happy to ca…

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