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Dominion Theology, Christian Reconstructionism, and the New Apostolic Reformation

…the two movements (though the NAR has its roots in Pentecostalism that pre-dates both). There are two of the core aspects of Christian Reconstructionism that are relevant here. First is the view that the Kingdom of God was established at the resurrection, that its establishment is progressive through history and Jesus will return at its culmination when Christianity has transformed the whole world (a view known as post-millennialism). Second, all…

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Becoming the Common: Why I Got Arrested in North Carolina

…morning we were together being processed and then released until our court dates. Not everyone arrested was a clergy member, or a Christian. There were people of other faith traditions, and of no faith tradition. This was not a Christian moment, but surely a holy moment. It was also a moment of reckoning for me. As a theologian—or as I like to say, a Christian intellectual—there comes a point when the words you write crowd into the life you live a…

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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…inalization of its Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community dates back to the pre-colonial period when the British, in the glory of their empire, left the country with a “sodomy law.” But the 2014 law took the persecution to a new level. For example, the gangs of homophobic Nigerians were given a legal status that backed their actions. Their boldness could be oiled by the blood of their victim. The argument used by Jonathan and his…

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Should Satanic Temple Have Threatened Netflix Over Baphomet Statue in ‘Sabrina’ Series?

…hen we consider the rights of Satanists? Whose Baphomet? The name Baphomet dates back to charges made against the Templar order in 1308, who were accused of worshipping a demonic idol in secret. But the image of Baphomet as an androgynous goat demon comes from Eliphaz Levi (1810-1875) who used it to represent the occult idea of the reconciliation of opposites. Levi stated cryptically, “The dread Baphomet, henceforth, like all monstrous idols, enig…

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World Meeting of Families Again Positions Queer Catholics as Children

…reasoning required to contribute to all areas of Church life. This tactic dates back to at least 1997, with the publication of the pastoral message “Always Our Children,” a document distributed in the name of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops but revised by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the latter-day Inquisition). On the surface, the message is one of consolation, offering reassurance to “parents of homosexual ch…

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Tony Perkins will Fit Right in at Religious Freedom Commission

…e in focus from his own preoccupations with Christians’ rights. The USCIRF dates back to 1998, when it was instituted as an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission as part of the International Religious Freedom Act. The group’s stated goals include monitoring religious freedom violations around the globe and providing policy recommendations to the president, the Secretary of State, and Congress. Nevertheless, since the USCIRF’s…

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Tony Perkins Will Fit Right in at Religious Freedom Commission

…e in focus from his own preoccupations with Christians’ rights. The USCIRF dates back to 1998, when it was instituted as an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission as part of the International Religious Freedom Act. The group’s stated goals include monitoring religious freedom violations around the globe and providing policy recommendations to the president, the Secretary of State, and Congress. Nevertheless, since the USCIRF’s…

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The Convergence of Passover and Easter Can Leaven (or Unleaven) the Interfaith Family’s Holiday

…t the holiday overlap does not, necessarily, pose a problem. Neither their dates nor their stories overlap. Not so, Passover and Easter. First, and perhaps most uncomfortably, much Christian anti-Semitism is rooted in the Easter story, in Jesus’s betrayal by the Jews. Through much of European history, Passion plays, performed during Lent and Holy Week whipped up anti-Semitic violence, making Easter a holiday that brought real danger to Jewish comm…

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Mormon Leader Affirms Doctrine on Marriage; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…Rainbow Index ranked it the worst place in Europe to be gay, based on the number of violent homophobic attacks and discriminatory remarks by public figures. The CBC says the president of an Azerbaijani LGBT rights group, who now lives in Germany, “told CBC nes gay people in the oil-rich, mainly Muslim country have been subjected to occasional harassment in the past, but a systematic effort to detain people in unprecedented.” Lawyer Samed Rahimli…

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Challenging Both Homophobia in Islam and Populist Bogeyman of ‘The Homophobic Muslim’; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…cts to those who have died in the past year: Historically Gai Jatra, which dates back to when Nepal was under royal rule, was also a chance for people to criticise the government — with many people in colourful costumes satirising politicians. In recent years the gay community has started using the festival to call attention to its demands for equal rights. … Nepal has some of South Asia’s most progressive laws on homosexuality and transgender rig…

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