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The Psychological Cost of an LDS Mission

…fe without treating the missionaries themselves as oddities. I was especially pleased that it highlighted how few results tracting yields—I really hope that the church expands its efforts to replace futile activities like that with more productive ones like service. I was glad it reported that “sister missionaries are outperforming male ones in recruitment.” This was true in my mission as well and was one reason my first mission president was alwa…

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Why All the Jesus Films?

…the “story.” What’s refreshing is that they aren’t saying it’s “historically accurate” (though I’m sure plenty of others promoting it might be). Again and again, it‘s a “story.” A quick look at the trailers gives us a bit of the hodgepodge that goes into any good story: A Portuguese Jesus meets a Scottish Peter, while Blind Willie Johnson’s 1930 blues song, “What is the Soul of Man?” plays in the background, here done by Steven Stern and George K…

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His Holiness, Inc.: The Dalai Lama as a Spiritual Mega-Brand

…uditorium on the ways in which practices of compassion can enrich—spiritually and materially—the lives of business people. Thus, CCARE director James Doty began his introduction of His Holiness by noting the financial consequences of the fast-paced, stress-filled, competitive lifestyles that characterize the entrepreneurial high tech industry. Against this, Doty lifted up the exiled Buddhist leader’s commitment to the clinical study of the effects…

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Meddling Bishops Accuse Clinton of Meddling

…ed a somnambulant Ronald Reagan in the first of their two debates and clearly hoped to put him away in the second. His request that running mate Geraldine Ferraro go in his stead is refused by Cardinal John O’Connor, who is in the middle of a bitter feud with Ferraro over her assertion that the Catholic Church’s position on abortion wasn’t “monolithic.” Reagan crushes it at the dinner and at the following debate and wins reelection. 1996: Presiden…

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Why Christians Should Not Host Their Own Passover Seders

…Don’t host a seder. Not even if you only invite other Christians. Especially not if you only invite other Christians. The modern Passover ritual that Jewish people share is rich in echoes of tradition. It rings hollow if not observed along with folks who have been layering the ceremony with meaning year after year. It is possible to study the celebration of Passover as a Christian spiritual group if it is done with respect and knowledge. My own c…

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Brits Get A Dose of Christian Nation Politicking

…than any recent prime minister in talking about his Christian faith publicly.” Cameron subsequently penned an opinion piece for Church Times, in which he elaborated: Some people feel that in this ever more secular age we shouldn’t talk about these things. I completely disagree. I believe we should be more confident about our status as a Christian country, more ambitious about expanding the role of faith-based organisations, and, frankly, more eva…

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Latest Supporters of Messianic Jews: Duck Dynasty

…ty by the A&E network, and an outcry of so-called persecution from the family’s conservative supporters. In an Easter Sunday sermon this year, Robertson defended his anti-gay comments and assailed his critics, claiming the media did not understand the Bible. “Neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolators, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inh…

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God and the Gay Christian: An Interview with Matthew Vines

…in the image of God, but after the fall this image changes and we don’t fully embody God’s image perfectly anymore. What it means then to have faith is to become more and more faithful image bearers. So we can weigh our beliefs and attitudes to see if it makes us more like God or less like God. What I argue about sexual orientation in the book is that it’s a core part of who we are as relational beings. We, as human beings, are relational people….

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Calvary is Bleak, But Can it Kick?

…e end, that insistence on depicting the world as a place where grace can only be fleeting and rarely glimpsed turns Calvary from a subtle examination of what forgiveness and goodness mean into something else. It veers into cliché and cartoonishness, which is unfortunate, because Gleeson’s performance is both subtle and thoughtful. Calvary posits that faith is mostly a fear of death, but in reality, like Gleeson’s performance, faith is a living, ch…

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Magic In the Daylight

…ike the Internet. And like the Internet, the unseen world doesn’t necessarily imply the existence of a singular God, or even make death any less final. My favorite recent incarnation of the real-magic-vs-fake-magic story takes a similar attitude. Deadbeat, a Hulu TV series, doesn’t have the pomp and Provence of Magic in the Moonlight. Instead it’s a sly spiritualist sleeper hit for the Internet age, sort of a combination of Medium’s workaday quali…

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