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Protesting Yoga in Schools, But Welcoming Bible Study

…e Christian proselytism that is already making deep inroads into public education. *This article originally identified the National Center for Law & Policy as the National Center for Policy and Law. RD regrets the error. …

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Shari’ah is Coming to America According to Conservative ‘Team B’

…oaching the same issue from different perspectives to create a more robust policy. Looking at the make-up of this Team B, I’m not sure they even qualify as third-string JV in the world of professional policy work. Sheila Musaji does an extensive breakdown of the members of Team B. There are some highlights from a team that did not include any scholars in the field of Islamic Studies (I don’t see a problem with no Muslims being included, like Matt…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…maintains that the Obama administration is complicit in China’s One Child policy through its support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). “Perhaps that is why, according to Chen, his American ‘hosts’ started to sound more like fellow members of the international population-control mafia that is killing his country, than starry-eyed defenders of ‘human rights,’” Hoffman continued. (Hoffman provides no citation and I was unable to find ev…

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Immigration Reform According to Ralph Reed’s Bible

…how to apply his interpretation of other biblical themes to very specific policy details: In Scripture, the obligation to care for the alien carries a corollary responsibility for the immigrant to obey the law and respect national customs. In the Old Testament, immigrants who followed the law shared in the inheritance of Israel. Amnesty violates this principle. Those who have come to the U.S. illegally must reform: Pay fines and back taxes, under…

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“We’re Not Fighting About Politics, We’re Fighting About God”: Diana Butler Bass Wants a Revolution

…wake at night. When you say planetary health are you talking about climate change? Or is there more to it? I listen to right-wing radio all the time, because I like to know what people who are not me think. I spend a lot of time listening to Glenn Beck. I spend a lot of time listening to Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelly. There are actually these right-wing media sources making fun of the theory that terrorism and climate change are linked. But that is…

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NPR Report on “Ex-Gay” Therapy Omits Crucial Details of Source’s “Journey Into Manhood”

…he ex-gay movement. Even Exodus International, the leading evangelical gay change organization, has a policy rejecting touch therapy and thus does not recommend JIM. As noted by the NPR report, the American Psychological Association examined sexual orientation change efforts in a 2009 paper. While the psychologists recognized that living congruently with one’s religious beliefs can be an acceptable goal, they also pointed out that evidence for sex…

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Tim LaHaye’s World: We’re Living In It

…ional efforts—the Institute for Creation Science, the Council for National Policy, the American Coalition for Traditional Values, and his material and conceptual support for Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women for America—tangible evidence of the widely known role of New Christian Right organizations in the rise of neoconservatism and recrudescence of populism in the 1970s and thereafter. And it is also appropriate to see in his voluminous writings—f…

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How Gay Should We Allow Feeding the Hungry To Be?

…alues, including sexual abstinence outside of marriage, but the employment policy change means that married same-sex partners will no longer be denied employment or benefits on the basis of the gender of their spouses. Sterns argued that the decision, which the board did not come to unanimously, would defer theological questions related to marriage and sexuality to churches and denominations. This, he said, was in keeping with World Vision’s role…

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

…xuality relates to her perception of the inevitable outcomes of that legal change. She told me that her organization opposed the repeal of sodomy laws in the United States, “not because we want them [homosexuals] in jail, but because the repeal of these laws creates a climate where other special rights are demanded.” She pointed to protections in housing, jobs, and marriage as problematic outcomes. “While the laws [criminalizing homosexuality] are…

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Bob McDonnell’s Christian Reconstructionist Thesis

…s views change over time (in fact suspicious of people whose views seem to not change). But candidates for public office owe it to voters to be specific about what has changed and how these changes have, or have not, effected the entire framework they have previously endorsed….

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