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From Pastor to Harvard’s ‘Godless Church’ Planter

…e past 18 months, I’ve developed a number of relationships with people who contact me because they find themselves in a similar situation. They ask questions, I don’t push. I’m simply a listening ear…someone safe for them to talk to. What was the response to your coming out as an atheist?  An enormous number of Christians have threatened to do physical harm to me. Many others have been kind in their response. They don’t understand and of course, t…

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Christian Responses to COVID-19 Raise Old Religion v. Science Questions

…tians are endangering the lives of themselves and others, that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Is there any hope? Giberson muses that with respect to coronavirus, “Fortunately, Trump is finally making contact with reality, so hopefully his followers will do likewise.” Yet even if they do, the larger problem of fundamentalist Christianity as a danger to democracy, human rights, and public health will remain….

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…ut as places where sexual abuse and assault often go unpunished. On January 18 I inadvertently set off a media firestorm when I launched the #ExposeChristianSchools hashtag on Twitter in protest against Vice President Mike Pence and professional Christian pearl-clutcher David French crying foul over the perfectly valid criticism that resulted from the announcement that Second Lady Karen Pence was taking a job teaching art at an evangelical school…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…ived in the United States since 2010 and did not appear to have any direct contact with the ISIS organization. He did talk with other Uzbek Muslims about religious and political matters, it appears, and he likely had connections with the ISIS online community, the baqiyah, through Twitter and Telegram. He likely read the online magazines. In fact, an article in one of the online ISIS magazines, Rumiyah, had some months ago given specific instructi…

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Catholic Bishops’ Religious Liberty Fight Enables Anti-Jewish Discrimination (Updated)

UPDATE, January 25, 10:10 a.m.: The Trump administration on Wednesday approved a waiver allowing a South Carolina Christian organization “to participate in the federally funded foster-care program, even though the group will work only with Christian families,” according to the Washington Post. As Religion Dispatches has previously reported, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster is seeking a waiver from the Trump administration to allow Miracle Hill…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…a church, to do whatever we can within the scope of what it means to offer spiritual healing, to do that, for Miss Woodson.” However, in the prayer that follows, Conlee demonstrates that his notion of spiritual healing has nothing to do with Woodson’s trauma and everything to do with upholding the work of, and his position in, the church. “Holy Spirit would you take this prayer, and now, as thousands of people are praying, in agreement, in unison,…

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Elaine Howard Ecklund Wants to Dispel Myths Surrounding Religious Resistance to Science

…t Stephen Jay Gould famously called “non-overlapping magisteria”—come into contact. As useful as the data can often be, Ecklund’s interpretations and prescriptions often strain to “depoliticize” the sites of conflict, as if it’s even possible to depoliticize an issue like climate science in the United States. Her reasons are numerous, no doubt, but the factors that distort public discussion, money and power, are the kinds of forces that can warp r…

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Raw Power Is Just What The Religious Left Needs

…note that the power on display Tuesday night was deeply rooted in personal contact. That’s how the ground game works. Democrats truly committed to taking back the nation should be prepared to do some door-knocking next year. A lot of door-knocking (calling, texting). That kind of personal connection does two things: it lets average voters feel heard. It also solves a lot of messaging debates. Do white working-class voters need to hear a strong eco…

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Australians Vote Overwhelmingly For Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…alians participated in the survey, including more than 78 percent of voters 18 or 19 years old, a “large cohort who had probably never sent a letter in their lives,” one marriage equality supporter noted. The official results: Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry? Of the eligible Australians who expressed a view on this question, the majority indicated that the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, with…

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Why Roy Moore’s Evangelical Supporters Won’t Abandon Him

…elop a sinful sense of herself as an independent person. The result is that 14-year-old girls are seen as appropriately “courted” by older men. In fact, a series of scandals rocked the Christian homeschool world in recent years in which older men admitted to inappropriate contact in pursuing young (sometimes very young) girls. See the story of Doug Phillips and Vision Forum here and the stories of Bill Gothard and his Institute in Biblical Life Pr…

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