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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…ed when they came to power in the national parliament from 1998 to 2004 in India. Though they did attempt to revise classroom textbooks and privilege the protection of Hindu shrines, for the most part they behaved as most other secular political parties behave when they come to power and are confronted with practical policy choices. In Turkey, the Islamic-leaning AKP (Justice and Development Party) has also been a more reasonable political force t…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…g even nominal interest on the efforts of a women’s beading cooperative in India? Should I be engaging global economic instability through an even modestly risk-based structure? Isn’t that what sent my 401K into the crapper along with the market-invested retirement savings of millions of Americans? What’s more, is it appropriate for churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples to participate in market capitalism as an extension of their core spiritu…

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Tibet is Burning: Is the Freedom Movement Entering a New Phase?

…nt Tibetan history. Thubten Ngodup, a 50-year-old exiled Tibetan living in India, died in the Indian capital, New Delhi, in April 1998 after he burnt himself to protest against the Chinese rule.  The radicalization of monks of such youth certainly raises a lot of important questions. Will there be more suicides in the weeks and months to come, and will it spill over into the exile community? Does the trend underscore the view that nonviolence does…

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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…ss the means of nonviolent civil disobedience, drawn from Gandhi’s work in India, toward achieving the end of biblical justice in America. It was King’s genius and the brilliance of his colleagues that took back Jesus from white supremacists. Directly defying the ways Jesus had been tethered to white power in film, law, art, and politics, the civil rights activists moved to render Jesus as a universal savior who cared for all peoples. They then re…

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A Writer’s Murder Raises Fears of Death-by-Decree

…against his life he would not be attending the Jaipur Literature Festival, India’s premier showcase of Asian literature. Rushdie hid for 11 years after Khomeini’s 1989 public call for his death, only emerging in 2000. Now in 2012 he is threatened again. Unremarked upon in the recent hullabaloo concerning Rushdie was that only a few months ago a religious edict, or fatwa, was issued against another “blasphemous” Muslim author, Rafiq Tagi of Azerbai…

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Sam Harris Says Qur’an “Not That Good”

…shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia.” It’s amazing how imperialism and racism are so closely intertwined and persistent, and always under a veneer of civilization. I know Harris thinks he is being original and provocative, but at best he is being derivative and puerile. I am more shocked that Sullivan, with his awareness of British history, not only did not see the connection, but gave it a s…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…tionalism’ also exists among extreme Copts in Egypt and the Hindu right in India. Google-ocracy But two years into the second decade of the 21st century we’re seeing a difference, not only in the assault on Islam, but in the Muslim response to that assault. The difference between today and yesterday, between the Muhammad video and Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, is the rapidity and ubiquity of image-making. Images can be, and are, made and remade, remix…

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NY Subway Killing a Case of Blind Hatred?

…when they put down the twin towers I’ve been beating them up.” A native of India, Mr. Sen had saved enough money to open a small copy shop. While he had no family in the U.S., he had friends and associates who were part of this new life. While he was a Hindu, Sen had a Muslim roommate with whom he frequently discussed matters of belief. And when they did, Mr. Sen expressed his deep disappointment that there was so much violence in the world on acc…

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How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer

…wn Planet Probably a third of the world’s Muslims live in or come from the Indian subcontinent, such as this writer, descended from the steamy plains of the Punjab but raised in gelid New England. And South Asia’s a part of the world we never stop hearing about. Of course, most of this attention is directed to Pakistan, so let’s start there.  In Silent Waters, we follow a young man from a small village impressed by the Islamist message coming from…

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Evangelical Islamophobia as American as Apple Pie

…rence in Lucknow in 1911 called for the Christianization of the Muslims of India. More recently, the 9/11 attacks, according to Kidd, “Re-energized those familiar themes of Muslim conversions and Islam’s place in the end times, two themes common in American Christian rhetoric, even before the American Revolution.” And while he doesn’t dismiss the powerful effect of the 9/11 attacks on American public opinion, Kidd takes the long view, tracing the…

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