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10 Years Later: An American Muslim Looks Back at Iraq

…s it just racism? Who, after all, does not plan for the day after a war? I plan out what I am going to do when I drive up to New York to see friends and family. Maybe it was just racism. They’re Iraqis, who cares what happened to them? Maybe power really does blind, and you think everything’ll just work out, as if there are not moral laws and principles that have the power to push back when pushed against. Maybe. I think the rest of the world deci…

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Andy Stern, Anti-Idolatrous Prophet

…lude “worshipping” the free market. “America needs a 21st century economic plan because we now know the market-worshipping, privatizing, de-regulating, dehumanizing American financial plan has failed and should never be revived, worshipping the market again,” Stern said in remarks at the annual conference of the liberal activist group Campaign for America’s Future in Washington on Monday. “It has failed America and everyone that works here,” Stern…

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The Legal Theory that Could Make Hobby Lobby’s Case Disappear

…to pay “in lieu of” offering their employees access to a health insurance plan. And, most importantly, here, too, “[n]either the Act nor any other law attaches negative legal consequences to not [providing employee] health insurance, beyond requiring a payment to the IRS,” so that if an employer “chooses to pay rather than [provide] health insurance, they have fully complied with the law.” Id. at 2597. Indeed, in this respect, construing § 4980H…

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A Big Question About Little Sisters of the Poor

…on by self-certification. Little Sisters’ coverage comes through a “church plan,” issued by Christian Brothers Trust. Under federal law, even if their insured organizations fill out the forms that would otherwise require the third-party administrator to arrange for the coverage, “church plans” are not required to provide it. Lederman concludes: Which means that if Little Sisters signs the self-certification that it opposes providing coverage for c…

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What ‘Little Sisters’ Contraception Ruling Gets Wrong

…nt argument and the Obama administration is arguing that it can’t make the plan do anything because it’s a self-insured church plan.) The sisters are making only an indirect causal contribution to the provision of contraception, which is remote material cooperation. This isn’t simply allowable under Catholic moral theology, it’s what makes participation in a secular world possible for Catholics. Otherwise they’d have to refuse to pay their taxes i…

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Catholic College Won’t Reveal Insurer; Yet Another Contraception Accommodation in the Works?

…who their insurer is, contact information for the insurer and what type of plan it is. Ave Maria sent HHS a letter stating its intent to opt-out of the mandate by the November 1 deadline, but refused to name its insurer or provide any other details, which could have made it liable for up to $17 million in penalties without the injunction, which is the first to specifically block the revised accommodation. The question of religious accommodations u…

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Netanyahu’s (Republican) Esther Moment

…rganizing muscle of the conservative evangelical movement behind his grand plan for a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ. * * * * Esther is a favorite Old Testament figure of many evangelicals, a heroine who saved her people from a genocidal plot masterminded by the evil vizier Haman through her influence as the wife of the King of Persia. When she and he…

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Will SCOTUS Call the “Bluff” of Religious Liberty Activists?

…the TPA is actually exempt, like the TPAs that are a form of an insurance plan called a “church plan”—the federal government lacks the ability to regulate those plans under ERISA and cannot require them to provide the coverage.) If that seems silly—well, on some level, it kind of is. And here’s why: Inserting the government into the communication process was meant to address the complaint by some NPROs that even informing their insurance company…

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A Secret History of Satan

…thing Prothero has ever written would be my pick. What’s your next book? I plan to continue my collaboration with dark powers. In fact, I am, hopefully, not yet done with Satan. I am in very early talks with an accomplished documentary filmmaker about turning the book into a film or perhaps a documentary series. It’s too soon to pass along any details, but I am hopeful. For my next book, I plan to examine the role of the monster in American histor…

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Mexico moves toward national marriage equality; Greek govt announces civil partnership legislation; Pope warns against ‘secularism and relativism’; Global LGBT recap

…be learned through experiences in life. In every society, there is a small number of people with homosexuality tendencies. “The practice needs regulation like any other human behaviour especially to protect the vulnerable. There is need for further studies to address sexuality in the African context.” It was later found that the study claimed no such thing, and the politicians had been deliberately highlighting phrases which already suited their v…

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