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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…Council of Churches. There are even rumors that “anti”-Pope Pius XV of the American Catholic Church may arrive later this week from Rio de Janeiro, fueling speculation of a rapprochement after decades of schism. The U.S. Ecumenical Church has remained cautious, issuing platitudes about how the discovery magnifies our understanding of creation. Citizens of the Christian Republic of Texas have taken the broadcast as a sign of the long-overdue apocal…

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Sterilization Denial for Woman with Brain Tumor Highlights Religious Liberty Conflict

…ed was that someone from the archdiocese that encompasses this area was in contact with the hospital administration and, basically, said, ‘I think we have a problem, and this needs to stop.’ And so, what was a very easy sort of step, being able to just go forward and do the tubal ligation at the time of the c-section, changed gradually. Catholic hospitals’ ability to refuse sterilizations is generally considered “ironclad” reports the Washington P…

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Obama Caves on (Another) Contraception Exemption

…nder slightly different names… and I doubt most have a dedicated office to contact when religious conservatives make their own decisions about women’s access to contraception. Plus, it sets the dangerous precedent that religious objections to government mandates are so precious that the objectors can’t even be required to fill out a form stating them. In the short run it’s likely that the number of employers who seek to duck the contraceptive mand…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…elate to ourselves and others through intimacy and other forms of physical contact. But, this is how the ex-gay industry wants the world to view LGBT people—as purely sexual beings. Foster’s screed is simply a long promo for a new ex-gay movie coming out, and the trailer, three-minutes of nauseating footage, centers around how each of these former homosexuals lived their lives in clubs, engaging in cheap, easy, and often public sex, or were sexual…

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The Higher the Dome, The Closer to God: “Megachurches” Explores the Arid Architecture of America’s New Sanctuaries

…churches in the paper around that time, about this new way of worship that Americans were flocking towards. But I had never seen one. I had seen these small businesses and knew about them, but had never seen these megachurches, since I live in an urban environment, and they’re mostly in exurban or suburban environments. That’s when I started going to them and photographing them. It was a companion project to the small businesses project since they…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…again and again to the same unending clash. Accordingly, Islam’s harshest American critics—such as Geller and Gingrich, or Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes—hold themselves out as the last few champions of Enlightenment values in the face of a Dark-Ages religion and its apologists. But they are scrubbing from our history the ways in which the Enlightenment itself, as it redefined the modern West, was also characterized by a remarkably admiring embr…

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Benedict’s Painful Legacy

…Duddy-Burke sees the days ahead as “an opportunity for Catholics to get in contact with the cardinals who are going to be part of the conclave and talk to them about our dreams for the Church and what we need in a new leader.” Joelle Casteix, Western Region Director for SNAP, which advocates on behalf of some 20,000 survivors and allies of those abused by Roman Catholic priests, likewise sees the action of laypeople as critical to any meaningful c…

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Romney Had No Clue as to Obama Ground Game

…affs and offices,” Beeson said. “They were literally creating a one-to-one contact with voters,” something that Romney did not have the staff to match.  “Now I know”? Yes, that’s the sound of me dropping my cup of egg nog. Because Rich Beeson could have simply counted field offices to make the inference that something was going on—Obama had three to four times as many field offices as Romney in the swing states. Or could have simply counted the st…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…gave him one week to move out of the house and instructed him to minimize contact with his five brothers and sisters. Cox stopped wearing his LDS garments and moved in with the first roommate he could find—the bartender at the local gay bar. Soon, he had a boyfriend, and along with his boyfriend, Cox was assaulted—gay bashed—in front of a Las Vegas club.   He moved home to Montana, where he helped start the Montana Pride Foundation, organizing pa…

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A Superhuman Spirituality: Ang Lee’s Life of Pi

…bits of garbage? Sure we do—for now. The direct physical contact that most Americans today have with non-human animals is severely limited. There is no question that domesticated animals, like dogs, cats, and (the differently domesticated) rats exist in great abundance. We may not think about it much, but we can’t question the existence of animals such as cows and pigs that many of us eat. Perhaps, for most of us, there is little doubt that all of…

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