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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…rts failed, but he was followed by thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and South Asia and by African Americans, who converted to varying forms of Islam, some of which, such as the Nation of Islam, were distinctly a product of African American experiences. They built American mosques and Muslim institutions in such diverse places as Brooklyn, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Ross, North Dakota, and Cedar Rapids, Io…

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Ramadan: Third Day is the Charm

…s are not open in the night though, just the markets. Then I moved to Southeast Asia. This was more to my standard. The work day started at 7:30 no matter what the season. My first Ramadan, my students sat for their final exams during the first three hump days. I got a migraine just having to proctor, not produce. The only difference — the work day was one hour shorter. In fact, since no one took off an hour for lunch, it was like an exchange. The…

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Beck, Native Americans, and the Book of Mormon

…Book of Mormon as a record of ancient peoples who migrated from the Middle East to the Americas. Since 1981, published prefaces to the Book of Mormon have stated that descendants of those Middle Eastern peoples were the “principal” ancestors of the Native Americans. Beginning in 2002, LDS anthropologist Thomas Murphy published research citing DNA studies showing that Native Americans have almost exclusive ancestral ties to Asian populations as a c…

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Opening the Door to Hell: Jewish Terrorism in Israel

…e in the West Bank town of Beit Fajjar, setting it on fire and burning at least fifteen Qur’ans. The Israeli army, which has been contending with violent settler activity for decades is taking the incident very seriously. Military spokeswoman Colonel Avital Leibowitz told Reuters that, “this is a very serious incident which we view with utmost gravity and we intend to find those responsible as quickly as possible.” Back on August 31, a few days be…

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Sunni Leader Breaks Dialogue With the Vatican Over Pope’s Comments

…ade by Pope Benedict XVI about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. Shaikh El-Tayyib is a good and decent man. I met him in 2009 at a conference on dialogue that he organized at Al-Azhar. At the time, he was the Rector, and the following year, after the death of Shaikh Tantawi, he was appointed as the Shaikh al-Azhar. The 2009 conference was called “Al-Azhar and the West: Bridges of Dialogue,” and it was a great success. At the confer…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…r this month, I noted: ACT!, along with several conservative websites, has promoted the conspiracy theory that Obama has “quietly” appointed people with Brotherhood ties to top positions in his administration in order to orchestrate uprisings in the Muslim world. According to this theory, American leftists are in cahoots with the Brotherhood through a “consortium of left-wing organizations, Islamic groups, labor unions, and Obama-friendly corporat…

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Republicans Would Obstruct Peace for Theo-Political Gain

…med Obama’s speech “will cause chaos, division & more aggression in Middle East & put Israel at further risk.” All this hyperventilating is, as Duss points out, disconnected from reality — from the truth of what Obama actually said, what U.S. policy actually is, and the reality of what the starting point for peace negotiations is. Obviously for Republicans desperately trying to score political points, anything Obama does draws their ginned-up ire….

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Herman Cain’s Israel Doctrine

…of the notion of the “right of return,” a centerpiece issue in the Middle East peace process. “It would have helped if he would have said Palestinian right of return,” said Cain, adding, “Return to the bar? Return home?” Cain said he was focused in the interview on pronouncing Benjamin Netanyahu’s “name right.” He is currently reading a book on Israel. This is not a surprising reaction from Cain, who is known as a Tea Party favorite but also draw…

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The Auspicious Timing of Glenn Beck’s Zeal for Zion

…Maddow, who quipped: In terms of America not helping matters in the Middle East, what could be worse than Fox News exporting its end-of-the world conspiracy theorist who sees communists and George Soros as a Jewish puppet master in everything? What American export could be less helpful to the Middle East than that? In early June, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) appeared on Beck’s now-defunct TV show to announce that he would be joining Beck and the fait…

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Perry To Accuse Obama of Appeasement

…rts of Israel in a futile effort to appease Israel’s enemies in the Middle East. I believe that misguided souls in Europe, I believe that the misguided souls in the political brothel that is now the United Nations, and, sadly, that even our own State Department will try once again to turn Israel into crocodile food. Winston Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile in the futile hope that it will eat him last.” In 1938, Czechoslova…

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