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The Collapse of the American Jewish Center

…name. They read aloud the names of Palestinians and Israelis killed in the latest military escalation between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and they recited the Mourner’s Kaddish. A few days later, the group delivered a letter to the Conference’s CEO, Malcolm Hoenlein, demanding “that the Conference of Presidents join our call to stop the war on Gaza, end the occupation, and forge a path forward for freedom and dignity for all people in Isra…

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HBO’s Game Change Hits, But Sarah Palin Pic Misses Religion

…e the viewer that Palin is as wily as they come. Her instinct for racially-coded populist speak is extraordinary, and she has only sharpened it since the 2008 election; those latest comments on the Civil War referenced earlier are just a part of the story of how Palin was able to dupe the religious right into embracing her, while pandering to the most dangerous elements in the Republican Party. Palin is also Exhibit A in why the Republican Party h…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, the latest turf battle in the seemingly never-ending culture wars, has been in the theaters for a little over a week, and news coverage of the controversy surrounding the film may finally—mercifully—be reaching its saturation point. If you only half paid attention to the Noah hullabaloo, trust me, you’ve heard it all million times before: conservative Christians are howling mad at [insert something popular]. Whether it’s…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…ue alone.” Academics, for one thing, don’t usually get paid like this. The latest debate cost as much as $63,000, compared to around $46,000 last year. Most of it was speaker fees. Craig took part in the planning from the start. He insisted on particular details of the debate’s format, down to the timing of each speech and the placement of the clocks. (”Probably the most important technique to master,” he has told me about debating, “is managing t…

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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…barrassed for them for even asking for an apology.” Perhaps Fox missed the latest poll showing that 58 percent of those asked believe homosexuality should be accepted in society—or this one that shows 53 percent support marriage equality for gays and lesbians. But, the shifting sands of opinion over the morality of homosexuality didn’t stop the convention’s members from passing a resolution today to affirm the Defense of Marriage Act and “again ca…

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Size Matters According to New Study

…ts are willing to say almost anything—which is not quite as virtuous.  The latest scientific salvo fired across the bow of religion concerns, of all things, the size of the religious brain. Here’s the storyline as reported in the media:  “Study suggests ‘born again’ believers have smaller brains” (USA Today)      “Study suggests ‘born again’ believers have smaller brains” (Beliefnet)       “Born-again Christians have smaller brains” (Houston Chron…

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Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’

…d on mutual trust and respect.” War Without End? South Kordofan is but the latest front in the civil war gaining steam in the run-up to the July 9 date for the formal independence of southern Sudan. Like the residents of Kadugli, in the northern border state of South Kordofan, many Sudanese are finding themselves on the wrong side of disputed borders. There are, for example, many armed people aligned with the south’s Sudan People’s Liberation Army…

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Ann Coulter and GOProud: In Bed Together Once Again

…acklash continues. A poll over at One News Now showed that 63% believe her latest coupling with GOProud “undermines her testimony as a born-again Christian,” with 27% saying it “damages her credibility as a conservative columnist.” Matt Barber from Liberty Counsel Action also attacked Coulter for associating with GOProud: “There is nothing conservative about the radical homosexual activist agenda which seeks to impose, under penalty of law, sexual…

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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…ok of everyday life than those who continue to focus on broadcasting their latest deep thought or (oh, sweet mother of mercy, please make it stop!) their latest sermon. 5. A Few New Commandments In 2009, the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut was among the first to offer social media guidelines. Like the few that were beginning to become available at the time, they blend what amount to public relations rules (e.g., when and how to use church logos)…

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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…an Family Association, pressured Lowe’s to pull its advertising from TLC’s latest reality TV series, All American Muslim. Caton’s website, as Sarah Posner points out, claims that the show “profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks.” This is, ostensibly, to conceal the “Islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values that the majority of Americans cherish.” Lowe’s subsequently bowed t…

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