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Sikh Temple Shooting: Of Martian Rovers and Terror in Holy Spaces

…ppeals to what governor Scott Walker called “evil”. Americans could indeed use a primer on most world traditions. But what I wonder is how a desire for empathy might square up against the dichotomized language of “evil.” As Amardeep Singh eloquently argues, the hatred directed towards Sikhs might connect to a visceral reaction to embodied religious otherness. How do we move from promoting basic facts to combatting that profane shudder of hatred? T…

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Auditor Calls ‘Gay Parenting’ Study ‘Bullshit’

…earch editor Wright, the University of Texas has launched its own investigation into the integrity of the study. But politically, the integrity of the study may be beside the point. The Witherspoon Foundation and Bradley Foundation apparently wanted a weapon they could use to fight marriage equality and they got it. It’s a safe bet that the Regnerus study will be cited by religious right groups for years to come, the way they have over the past de…

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Before Oprah, There Was the “Hour of Power”: Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert H. Schuller Has Died

…oosting messages. A generation (or two) before Osteen and Winfrey became household names, Schuller was a spiritual tastemaker, trendsetter, and celebrity himself. A 1983 Los Angeles Times profile titled “The time Muhammad Ali asked for Robert Schuller’s autograph,” concluded with the now prescient lines: When he sees all the other elegant churches and synagogues of the world divesting themselves of their wealth, “Then, you bet, Robert Schuller wil…

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Opting for Lucy Over Linus: Watching The Great Pumpkin in the Age of Trump

…ll left-wing protesters are violent thugs. She exhibits all the willful obtuseness the right uses to muddy matters of fact and justice. She’s the worst. *** To my surprise, Lucy is the character I most want to be like right now. She’s a model for liberals in the age of Trump. It’s true that her critique of Linus’s delusion sometimes crosses the line into bullying. But she acts with love toward him throughout the show. No one else does. In the very…

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Why Trump’s Evangelicals Won’t Care About Those Budget Cuts

…some aspects of the Trump agenda are merely tolerated by evangelicals because they care more about fighting abortion/LGBTQ rights and “preserving” their privilege in the name of religious freedom. But the support for tax cuts, over assistance for those in need, is not just a gift from Trump to his rich friends, tolerated by evangelicals because they care more about other issues. These budget cuts are in keeping with the religious right’s understa…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…espair the priest cries out: “God, there were so many stars you could have used. What was the need to give these people to the fire, that the symbol of their passing might shine above Bethlehem?” Whether this story is an atheist parable, or a meditation on the vulnerability of faith, it brings the question of religion’s encounter with extraterrestrials into sharp focus. Like those religious thinkers who have addressed the possibility of alien inte…

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Country Trumpkins

…hcraft. The loathsome Glenn Grothman, who is about the most simpatico US House member Trump has, used to represent the area in the Wisconsin State Senate before he moved north to push a moderate Republican out of the 6th Congressional district. Trump’s people got what they wanted in West Bend: no interruptions and polite applause. The whole thing was weird. Beyond his evident confusion about where exactly he was speaking, Trump was on the Teleprom…

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A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron

…: “Amen! I didn’t used to think so but I do now.” We’ve seen Cameron speak out against homosexuality and embrace the far right agenda by speaking at CPAC, but and it remains to be seen if he’ll embrace the rest of the “biblical worldview” promoted by Vision Forum and Christian Reconstruction: biblical patriarchy, eliminating public education, and any public assistance for the poor, etc. In any case I’ll bet that Monumental will be a contender for…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…a vocal right-wing fringe movement (like Farage’s UKIP) that has limited access to political power than to have a quieter right-wing fringe movement that, by taking over a mainstream party, actually has a shot at national office. I suspect Clinton and her campaign made a good bet. Better to face things head on than to pretend they don’t exist, especially when so much is on the line. But the issue remains thorny. Faced with new, muscular expressio…

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Maybe Trump Should Pray About His Problems With Religious Voters?

…s of all the other religious minorities, recognize a bad bet for religious freedom when they see one. They see how Trump treats Muslims, Mormons, and Hispanics, and they know his commitment to them is thinner than his actual hair. Anyway, you might say it’s only one state, but it’s also the one state with a sizable Jewish population and an uncertain outcome. There’s no way Trump is winning in New York or New Jersey, and if he doesn’t take the Jewi…

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