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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…adership into the increasingly digitally integrated world. Indeed, to the extent that Benedict’s gradual expressions of what appears to be genuine contrition for the actions of the Church hierarchy in response to the sexual abuses of clergy and his recent comments on the moral permissibility of condoms were in no small measure shaped by the swirl of digital commentary by ordinary believers across the globe, his most recent encyclical raises a prof…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…entury, 25 years is just a moment. Yet, much has changed in our views of sex and sexuality in the intervening decades. How does your book look to you today? Judith Brown: First, I’m delighted that you teach my book, and that it is still useful to you and your students. The fact that it appears in the syllabi of many courses in a variety of discipline is very humbling. It enhances my sense of responsibility for the insights that readers may derive…

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The Exorcist Files, Getting Mad at God, The Obama Prayer…

…covery Channel is teaming up with the Vatican to produce a new show about exorcisms. The Exorcist Files will debut this spring. In other Vatican news, Pope John Paul II could be beatified by the end of the year. A Vatican cardinal clarified Pope Benedict’s earlier comments about genetically modified crops. Cardinal Peter Appiah Turkson said that GMOs could force poor farmers to rely on foreign companies for seeds instead of using local, less expen…

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2010: A Banner Year for Biblical Patriarchy

…ntment at home among their daughters in a Father and Daughter retreat, the promotion of hyper masculinity and patriarchalism dominated most of the remaining “lessons.” They promoted the biblical “discipleship” of children at 22 home schooling conferences, meeting what they call “one of [their] primary goals: to promote the restoration of the biblical family.” They see the “home schooling community as central to this effort [and] seek to encourage…

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Yo, Gays, Stop Bogarting that Rainbow!

…oposition 8—California’s measure that passed in 2008 to define marriage as between a man and a woman—are the original “rainbow coalition.” “Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coalition that included people from all across the religious traditions, and also people of every race and color,” Morse recognizes. “We are the real rainbow coalition. The gay lobby does not own the rainbow.” No, gays and lesbians don’t own the rainbow—but the co…

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CUFI Entices Donors for Israel with Christmas Ornament

Christians United for Israel, the apocalyptic advocacy group founded by San Antonio televangelist John Hagee, has just announced a generous donor who offered to match donations of up to $500,000, to help it raise a million dollars by the end of the year. CUFI has always maintained — despite all evidence to the contrary — that it is primarily motivated by concern for Israel and the Jews, not by Hagee’s apocalyptic vision for the return of Jesus at…

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Same-Sex Marriage: The Cure for Unemployment (Worries)

…his: what special moral stake does Imperial County have in the anti-same sex marriage fight? The county (population: 166,000) is about 75% Latino. About 25% of residents live below the poverty line. Its official unemployment rate of 30.4% is the highest in the nation. When same-sex marriage was legal in California, about 50 Imperial County couples lined up to make their vows at the county courthouse in El Centro. In November 2008, about 67% of Cou…

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Catholics Talk About Sex

…more Catholic Universities to take steps toward affirming a more humane sexuality. A sexual ethic to support this more humane view would prioritize the moral values present in a relationship over the sexual behaviors, value equality of partnership between two people over the genitalia they have, and promote information and education over prohibition and shame. Catholic Universities, like all educational institutions, have a responsibility to educ…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…said, “because worldviews hardly ever change,” not much has changed today—except for Noebel’s expanded definition of communism. “We used to say communism equals Marxism-Leninism,” he told Olasky. “Now communism is a broader term—I have a whole list of things to add today.” The Democratic Party’s “Socialist Red Army” Noebel insists that President Obama is a “stealth socialist,” and even that Obama economic advisor Larry Summers, in acknowledging to…

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How Evangelicals Pick Presidents

…llow Texans and have long ties to him. Barton’s WallBuilders is based in Texas and he is a former vice-chair of the Texas Republican Party; Hagee has made political contributions to Perry and hosted him at his San Antonio church. Sullivan reports that the call in which the support was pledged to Perry took place in early June; that coincides exactly with the timing of Perry’s announcement of his prayerfest, The Response, an event not theologically…

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