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How Do We Talk About Islam After Charlie Hebdo?

…ntinuous carnage being wreaked by the so-called Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (or Da‘ish) under the banner of a revived “caliphate” and there can be little doubt, it seems, that Muslims are increasingly devolving into killing machines motivated by blind rage. Such a phenomenon is furthermore understandable because Muslims supposedly can draw seamlessly from Islamic history and vocabulary to provide justification for their violence. No matter how…

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Christian Morality vs. Free Markets: The Constants of a Conservative

…vative candidates argued that we needed a substantial military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan to safeguard the freedoms of both Americans and the wider world. In 2010 and beyond, conservative candidates have employed a different notion of freedom, one that has absolutely nothing to do with serving the government (or military) or the public to preserve someone else’s freedoms. All of these are essentially conservative arguments; they are all in t…

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A Jewish Perspective on Reparations

…ions along with Rev. Jesse Jackson. After a lengthy discussion of ISIS and Iraq, President Obama spoke directly to the people of Ferguson in a televised statement: “So, to a community in Ferguson that is rightly hurting and looking for answers, let me call once again for us to seek some understanding rather than simply holler at each other.” Compared to Merkel’s in-person, adversarial declaration of solidarity with Jewish Germans, President Obama’…

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As a Muslim, I am Exhausted…

…es Muslims today is a rowdy minority of gung-ho militants in the desert of Iraq and Syria. I think our problem is more subtle than that. We have convinced ourselves, and others, that we live on a planet apart as perfect Muslims who speak exclusively as agents and caretakers of their faith. The spectrum of our visibility is narrow: we are either the fanatic bad Muslim or the sanitized “good” Muslim. You see us only around incendiary topics and we c…

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Cyclops Baby of the Apocalypse? Another Day in ISIS Fundamentalism

…ade young Muslims to participate in an end-times scenario now unfolding in Iraq and Syria. While the “apocalyptic cyclops baby” could be a calculated propaganda campaign it also demonstrate the inventive nature of fundamentalist religious movements. In her study of Jerry Falwell, cultural anthropologist Susan Harding pointed out that the seemingly rigid position of Biblical inerrancy paradoxically entails a great deal of creativity and imagination…

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Never Mind the Libertarians, Here’s the ‘Pragmatist Moment’

…tes: Raised on the ad hoc communalism of the Internet, disenchanted by the Iraq War, reflexively tolerant of other lifestyles, appalled by government intrusion into their private affairs and increasingly convinced that the Obama economy is rigged against them, the millennials can no longer be regarded as faithful Democrats — and a recent poll confirmed that fully half of voters between ages 18 and 29 are unwedded to either party. Obama has profoun…

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Pope Decries ‘Ideological Colonization’ of Family; Islamic State Executes Gays and Others; Gay Couple Gets Long-Delayed Wedding in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…d gay men being thrown to their deaths off the top of a building in Mosul, Iraq. The first still image shows a crowd gathered on a square on a cloudy day. The shot is taken from the top of a brown building that appears to be seven or eight stories high. The caption at the bottom of the screen says, “The Muslims come to watch the application of the law.” The text accompanying one photograph refers to a prison as “one of Lot’s people.” According to…

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Fr. John Dear, Dismissed from Jesuits: “It Is So Strange to Be Hated by So Many Church Leaders”

…came more and more involved in the Republican Party, supporting the war in Iraq. Very few Jesuits espouse nonviolence either. We run 28 universities, all of whom train young people to kill through ROTC. There was a lot of pressure in the Jesuit order to stop me, and they stopped me, and I eventually I left. It is all very sad and tragic, but in many ways what happened to me was inevitable. I am still called like any other follower of Jesus to prac…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…own social milieu to part with cloak and coin for the benefit of the dazed Iraq war vet with two pit bulls at the highway underpass down the road from church. It’s possible, then, to read the lingering significance of “Good Samaritan Jesus” for the religiously unaffiliated as a yearning for a more ethically engaged, prophetic Christianity. It does seem to be the case that some of the largest and most vibrant Christian congregations are those with…

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The Irony of the American Studies Israel Boycott

…ts, for instance, supported U.S. violations of human rights—occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, drone strikes, NSA monitoring, Guantanamo Bay, Jim Crow incarceration patterns, immigration walls and deportations, and so on, and so on. That would be a “sacrifice” truly in solidarity with Palestinians, some of whom live on roughly $2/day. But I doubt that the members would support, and the National Council clearly did not suggest, any such a resolut…

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