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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…abortion providers of setting off some of that violence through the use of websites, literature, and posters. Dreste, in the middle of it all, was implicated in highly coordinated campaigns and conspiracies that the court found to be “true threats” not sheltered by the First Amendment. Melinda Roth’s RFT piece is really worth a read, because it discusses Dreste’s upbringing in a small Apostolic Christian church in Hazelwood, a suburb of St. Louis:…

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Searching for Sex, Life and Abortion on Catholic Google

…e.” Powered by but not affiliated with, its tag line reads “The best way for good Catholics to surf the web.” Using “safe search” technology, gives weight to “Catholic” websites and avoids “unsavory content.” So, here is what came up on a few searches I tried… When I searched for “contraception,” a few conservative articles came up about the Vatican’s antiquated stance on contraception. If I had searched on normal Goo…

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The Theo-logic Behind Pat Robertson’s Offense

…n his debts. His response has prompted a flurry of commentary on blogs and websites, so much so that the Christian Broadcasting Network issued a response clarifying that Robertson did not specifically call the earthquake ‘God’s wrath’, but simply joined in with “countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries to believe the country is cursed.” CBN further explained that their organization was sending “millions” in medical aid to the co…

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Postcard from the Vatican

…a true minister of the gospel, and to remain one, than certain Texas-based websites suggest). So, no ecumenical Eucharistic celebrations, either. Article Four turned to the Sacrament of Penance, and identified a frightening array of violations of the priestly office of confessor: such as the absolution of a violation of the Sixth Commandment (the commandment against adultery) for reasons of personal interest or the priest’s own implication in the…

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AIDS Anniversary: Thirty is the New Eternity

…t too many are not. The 30th wedding anniversary calls for pearls, various websites say. And yet, we have no weddings really, from the federal point of view. So what does the 30th mean? Is it the beginning of the end? The end of the beginning? The eschaton? For some, AIDS/HIV is one of the mythic horsemen of the apocalypse. The Salvation Army writes of the “three horsemen of the Russian Apocalypse—AIDS” Others write of the “hybrid horseman of the…

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The Rabbis are Right to
Be Afraid

…, the New York Times coverage of the event notes the sale of “kosher” smartphones that limit Internet use. This is funny stuff.  But on second thought, aren’t the ultra-Orthodox right? This is an insular community that has built real and virtual walls to shield itself from secular influences. Aren’t they correct to worry that if their adherents surf the Internet, the community will suffer? I think they are. One reason I write for publications like…

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Bachmann Staffer Likens
Rick Perry to King Saul and Bachmann to anointed
King David

…David. Here is the Waldron comment in full: The three-part video interview of Waldron on the Herman and Sharron Bailey Show talking about his time in prison in Uganda is up at YouTube. As of this morning, Waldron’s websites, (Google cache here) and (Google cache) have been taken down. Waldron’s current project, “Christians Restoring America’s Greatness,” can be viewed here….

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…and I care not who makes the laws”— oft recycled on right-wing conspiracy websites, even though there’s no proof that Rothschild ever said it. Simple Googling of the “information sources” listed on the Zeitgeist website would reveal — to the filmmakers, obviously — the anti-Semitism embedded in these conspiracy theories and the ongoing resonance of the theories in the far right. Conservative writer Byron York might believe they “resemble far-righ…

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Fasting For Romney

…ical stance, but their religious leanings as well. With Mitt Romney’s poll numbers declining, the next few weeks are going to look like a Left Behind novel on many religious right websites. Fasts will be called, pulpits pounded, and angst-ridden doomsday purveyors will fundraise off the anxiety of having President Obama for another four years. Who knew that the prospect of another four years of an African American president could call so many fait…

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How Will We Teach About Sikhism After the Tragedy?

…f the Sikh temples had not only government law enforcement videos on their websites, but Sikhs and non-Sikhs educating together about the Sikh tradition in primary school, secondary school, and university classrooms? Such alliances would not be simply “token” appearances of “representative” Sikhs, but rather long-term engagements between Sikh and non-Sikh educators on a variety of projects. They would involve mutual correction, and an honest explo…

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