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“God Created You”: Bishop Supports Gay Ugandans, Defies Death Threats

…etermined to be at the funeral of David,” said the bishop. Speaking on the phone the day after Kato’s murder, Senyonjo said he was shocked by the death of his friend, who he had known for the past seven years and worked with at the religious LGBT organization Integrity Uganda. “I was very much surprised. I didn’t know that they [people in Uganda who are anti-gay] would be so serious as to kill somebody like that who had been mentioned in Rolling S…

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Pro-Gay Marriage Mormon Keeps Faith Despite Church Pressure

…story reveals the uncomfortable reality that the LDS Church has a track record of monitoring the political activities of members who write and speak in public. Mormon liberals who go public on sensitive issues like marriage equality or feminism do so bearing in mind that someone at LDS Church headquarters may bring their activities to the attention of local leaders who are empowered to take disciplinary action. It’s a touchy subject to write about…

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To: Discovery Institute;
Re: Creationist Tactics Pre-Dating the Exposure of ID as a Fraud

…nalysis” and “academic freedom” legislation emerged after Dover; in other words, legislation after Kitzmiller now featured these code words prominently. Even West has to admit this is true, because the bills are based on sample legislation that the Discovery Institute wrote in 2008. West’s post opens with a few recollections of my coverage of the Dover trial commenting that, “it was pretty clear what side of the controversy she was rooting for,” d…

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Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: 1946-2011

…poor, if it could be avoided. And it could indeed be avoided through court orders to force folks to work, as the Good Lord intended poor folks to do. Single men were sometimes ordered to work twelve hours a day for nothing more than food and a place to sleep in some tobacco farmer’s barn. In Little Mama’s case, it happened to be mighty convenient that the ‘cotton factory’ to which she was sent was rounding up scab labor to break a union. Then as n…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…hat I mean is: we could say, hypothetically, that she needs an abortion in order to preserve her life, her mental or physical health, or her access to safe housing, but some law requires her to claim rape in order to get one because the lawmakers valued other things more highly than they valued her life, health, and safety? I mean, I’m just speculating here.   But perhaps denying her those things is exactly the point. As Amanda Marcotte suggested…

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ACLU and Thomas More Law Center Rush to Terry Jones Defense

…Christian law firm Thomas More Law Center (mission statement: to be the sword and the shield for Christians) have stepped forward to defend Qu’ran-burner Terry Jones. Actually, for those who understand what the ACLU is about — defending the Bill of Rights — it’s not all that strange of a twist. In 1977, it defended the Klan’s right to march in the Holocaust survivor enclave of Skokie, Illinois. It has also defended Rush Limbaugh, so there you go….

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Gay Marriage Bill Totalitarian Says Head Bishop

…anization for Marriage (NOM) urgently called on its supporters to get more phone calls into Senate offices. NOM is urging Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to use his power to keep marriage from coming to the floor for a vote. Meanwhile, Archbishop Timothy Dolan is getting increasingly shrill in his efforts to stop the shift toward equality. This week, on his official blog, he wrote: “Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in N…

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On Harith, and Matters of Inheritance

…put the rest in savings. Still, it left me no doubt about being able to afford to make hajj. This week I paid the remaining balance on my hajj account and submitted the requested paperwork. But here’s the thing: according to most jurists, I am not allowed to inherit from my sister. My sister had no children and was never married (although she and her partner were together since they were teenagers). That she designated me as beneficiary was not qu…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…e throughout his life. And, he was really digging all the apps on his new iPhone. So, eventually, he created an app that would provide “Biblical guidance to your everyday ups and downs.” With it, users select from a scrolling list of “blessings” (friendship, new home) or “burdens” (anger, money), shake the phone, and get a Bible verse to guide reflection in the course of daily life. What is cool about apps like the Holy Roller is not, however, jus…

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Presbyterians, Change Hearts & Minds, Begin Ordaining Gays

…y of affirming what unites Presbyterians, regardless of their positions on ordination. The amendment also protects individual conscience: ordination of LGBT persons isn’t prescribed, it’s simply allowed. Individual congregations and presbyteries have the discretion to call those whom they deem fit. Amendment 10A is an attempt to provide a “middle way” between two opposing viewpoints—a very Presbyterian impulse, according to Kirby, as the denominat…

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