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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…try that picked me up every week for Sunday School and worship service. In San Antonio, I was reminded of the power of community when neighbors, loved ones, and strangers stopped by to see how we were doing—just because. And in college, I experienced welcome through a wide variety of student ministry programs. My teachers at Hardin-Simmons University taught me that my own pursuit of what is right stems from a deep-seated sense of awareness of diff…

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Narco-Violence and the Failure of the Church in Mexico

…in Mexico is thus naturalized and routinized—the grim backdrop for nightmarish dystopias represented in Hollywood films. With the Church, the state, and the global public impotent or simply unwilling to protect them, many of Mexico’s faithful have turned to so called “narcosaints.” From San La Muerte to Jesús Malverde to San Judas Tadeo, these marginal saints offer their protection to all of those made vulnerable by the current “narcoculture”: dru…

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Be Prepared: Preachers’ Daughters, Episode Eight

…that? I looked for resources in your area, and I found this group. It’s in San Luis Obispo County, CA, which I’m guessing you’re in, since you went to an event at a church in Oceano. I don’t know anything about them beyond what’s on their website, but their material looks good. Maybe think about giving them a call?  And Caleb, it sounds like things were really bad when last night’s episode was filmed. I’m really sorry. I’m afraid I have had the “I…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…side were two great gazebos, where folks ate and talked late into the pleasant night; there was a beach volleyball pit and a full basketball court. The occasion was more stressful: an Open House, an invitation to explain Islam in America to a general audience of San Antonians. Afterwards, a garrulous visitor asked me how I reconciled Muhammad’s teachings with American life; since Muhammad was primarily a political leader and a general, was it not…

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Act, Pray, Tweet: What the H*ll To Do About Gun Violence?

…needy, stranger, and enemy. It calls murder a sin and crime, and provides sanctions (along with requirements for fairness and witness testimony in trials), just as it gives detailed instructions on aiding the downtrodden. Indeed, the idea that humanity only pray and wait for divine action would exempt us for any moral accountability for our communities. As long as I’m not the perp, such logic would go, I can fiddle—and pray—while San Bernadino bu…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…st attack in American history was the series of race riots that killed thousands of black people from Springfield to Tulsa to Wilmington in the late 1890s and early 1900s. Yes, San Bernadino was terrorism. So was Mother Emmanuel AME. So are the drone attacks on civilian homes in Afghanistan. So is the carpet-bombing of cities. We must not forget that the key leaders of Daesh met and developed their agenda in the U.S.-run prison at Camp Bucca in Ir…

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Cuba Opens its Doors to the Catholic Church

…The significance of Wenski, Castro, and Ortega together at the Seminary of San Carlos and San Ambrosio, a symbolic trinity of Cubans’ and Cuban-Americans’ negotiations between identity, land, and religion, is not lost on me. For the Catholic Church globally, this opening is a public testimony of the survival of Catholicism in spite of increasing clergy shortages throughout other parts of Latin America. While many are heralding this as the beginnin…

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‘Almost Like Praying’: The Religious Work of ‘Hamilton’ Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda

…goes on to cast doubt on the reliability of both electricity and roads in San Juan, bitterly ironic in the current catastrophic moment but nasty enough in the original to read like Kipling, but with a quicker rhyme-scheme. As a project, “Almost Like Praying” is a motley collection of styles and voices, in true “puerto” fashion, the hybridity and default cosmopolitanism of port culture. But it’s also an exemplification of a model of community valu…

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Amid Growing Legitimacy Challenges from its Right and Left, Vatican Seizes Control of the Supernatural — to Prevent ‘Abuses’

…hop noted that he made this decision to avoid confusion among Catholics in San Antonio and around the world. And this is not an isolated incident. Most recently, the Spanish Poor Clares community left the Church. In a letter, Sister Isabel of the Trinity, the superior of the Spanish Poor Clares, announced that the sisters are leaving the Catholic Church and will be placed under the jurisdiction of a self-proclaimed bishop who was excommunicated in…

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McCain’s Prosperity Preacher

…say anything and touch God’s anointed… I was scared to say anything.” Thousands of devoted followers still come to hear Hagee preach every Sunday, and untold more hang on his televised words or receive his weekly missives on Middle East policy from CUFI. Those numbers are big enough that McCain, like George W. Bush before him, will bow down at the altar of money and authoritarianism to praise God for all those votes. Tell us what you think! Send…

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