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Seeking Broad Appeal to US Christians, ‘God & Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism’ Glosses Over Critical Context

…s a good policy to outlaw abortion.” A statement like that is of course, a nonstarter among all but the tiniest handful of even those evangelicals who crave respectability, and the anti-choice Jethani is no exception. By the same token, Jethani is clearly not LGBTQ-affirming, even though he tries to be “nice” about it by calling for the dialing down of “culture wars” and “identity politics” as he pooh-poohs “both sides.” But God & Country gives us…

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Why Conservatives Really Oppose Federal Aid for the ‘Undeserving’

…y import, sacrilege, faith and ideology, which is faith’s steely cousin. A number of years ago, I was chatting with the theologian Walter Brueggemann’s then-wife Mary on a Sunday morning. She told me she’d been bemoaning some bit of racial egregiousness or another to her husband, and asked him why he thought people had to be this way. “There are two kinds of people in the world,” he replied. “Those who don’t see an order to the universe, and those…

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After Orlando: Love Wins, But When?

…ut the same law that buys a venison steak in the Great Northwoods brings a cheap Taurus pistol to Baltimore, to people who also feel unheard and neglected. (Never mind the strange psychology of the “lone wolf.”) So the freedom to live without threat and the freedom to own a gun are at odds. Someone will have to win and someone will have to lose. I mean this quite literally. The only way to have meaningful gun control will be to vote people out of…

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Holding Out for a Hero: New ID Book Aims to Save You From Despair of Evolution

…by random chance. And if a protein—a complex molecule, but just a molecule nonetheless—could not have evolved by chance, then an entity as complex as a cell could certainly not have evolved, let alone an organism. All of this leads up to Axe’s main and final point, when he makes a jump from biology to metaphysics: because life could not have evolved by chance, all living beings must have been created by an intelligent, personal God. People tend to…

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When Being “Christian” Means Supporting Trump: An Argument For Hiding Your Faith

…ued that American Christians were selling out their religious identity for cheap political gain, and that they could help ensure their religious integrity if they took that identity off the market altogether by concealing it in public life. This approach would take seriously Jesus’ advice to pray in secret and to give alms without letting “your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3-6). It also would follow an undercurrent in C…

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First Things First: Sexual Equality Just Is

…for love, but his rosy view of the past assures him that even then, “many nonfinancial benefits followed, including the formation of a stable, intimate relationship with a spouse and the sense of purpose that comes with raising a family.” That couples in the past might have had so much sex precisely because women felt obligated to continue offering sex, in exchange for continuing financial support, does not seem to enter Regnerus’s imagination. N…

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Trump’s Easter Egg Roll: Inauthentic Christianity in a Bunny Suit

…r the children of atheist lesbian couples are simply not welcome here. The cheap paperback Easter stories read by Sanders and Conway—no doubt ordered the day before from Amazon Prime—had nothing to do with teaching, or welcoming, or even celebrating a Christian holiday (inappropriate as that itself would have been at a White House event). As this administration did with its craven and phony defense of “Merry Christmas” as if it were an endangered…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…e Americans with disabilities being hauled off by Capitol cops, and to the numberless people standing against legal authority that suspects them for the crime of simply being black or Muslim or queer? If we think about Catonsville not just as a curiosity, a minor episode in the history of radical chic, but as a provocation or a template, what do we learn? Must Americans burn something to get attention? Must religious protesters be arrested? Many c…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…e Americans with disabilities being hauled off by Capitol cops, and to the numberless people standing against legal authority that suspects them for the crime of simply being black or Muslim or queer? If we think about Catonsville not just as a curiosity, a minor episode in the history of radical chic, but as a provocation or a template, what do we learn? Must Americans burn something to get attention? Must religious protesters be arrested? Many c…

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In a Time of Irrational Fear and New Media: The Deadly ‘Dance Plague’ at 500

…the month the crowd had swelled to 400 women and men. The strenuousness of non-stop dancing meant that dancers were continually expiring—from exhaustion, from injury, from heart attacks. An average of fifteen a day died from the rapidly spreading “plague.” But this was not an isolated incident: Dancing plagues had reoccurred throughout Europe from the twelfth-century through the decades after the outbreak of 1518, whether because of hysteria, delu…

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