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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…on’s early ministry included barnstorming public healings during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Some experts, though, aren’t convinced by the comparison. “He seems like an opportunist,” said Diane Winston, a religion and media professor at the University of Southern California, noting that while McPherson and Seymour were unknown preachers who ground their way to outsized cultural influence, “[Feucht] rode [here] on the coattails of the church clo…

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With Release of Pentagon Report, UFO Narrative Belief System is Suddenly Supported by Military Witness Testimonies

…). Ironically, this report reversed the multi-year—and quite successful—campaign to debunk all types of witness testimonies regarding UAP sightings. The campaign to debunk testimonies, called Project Bluebook, was also funded by the U.S. government and is outlined in the Robertson Panel Report of 1953. It’s not incidental that witness testimonies have been integral to the formation of many religious traditions. The plethora of new religions inspir…

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How Do We Break the Cycle of Religious Violence in South Asia?

…y. Law enforcement will often turn a blind eye, or in some cases, actively participate in the violence. Finally, violence in one country ignites retaliatory violence in another. We saw this recently, where attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh led to attacks on Muslims in Tripura. Similarly, the demolition of the Babri Masjid, a medieval mosque, by a Hindu mob in India in 1992 triggered violence against Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as many…

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Scolding Those Who Choose Pets But No Children Pope Misses the Rainforest for the Trees

…ed. Hand-in-hand with the pet business comes forced breeding, puppy mills, and “exotic” wildlife trapping (which was the backdrop of Netflix’s popular Tiger King series). Finally, billions of animals will be factory farmed to become cat and dog food. We cannot deny the ecological paw print of companion animals either. The pope is right about this: pet-keeping, like any widespread practice with an adjacent industry, certainly has the capacity for s…

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Why Notre Dame’s Contraception Flip-Flop Undercuts Bishops’ Religious Freedom Claims

…form—they just had to send a letter to HHS stating their intention to not participate in contraceptive coverage. But still this wasn’t good enough for the bishops, who at this point had been joined by evangelicals in pronouncing the mandate a symptom of a secular mindset looking to cow religious believers. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty got involved and made the brilliant strategic move of recruiting the self-sacrificing Little Sisters of…

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Book Bannings Are Bad Enough, But Where Those Involved Are Considered Demonic, the Stakes Could Get Much Higher

…one recent example, Patriot Mobile—a NAR 7 Mountains Dominionism-inspired phone company in Texas—bankrolled the campaigns of 11 candidates for school board in the suburbs of Ft. Worth in May 2022. They all won, and they subsequently took control of four school boards. In one school district (but probably not the last) 40 books were soon pulled from the shelves for “review.” It remains to be seen whether book burnings will become more a part of th…

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How an Ancient Story of Renegade Rabbis Caught With Black Market Technology Can Help Us Navigate ChatGPT’s Apocalyptic Aura

…a human-made tool designed to make life easier. Yet much like AI today it sparked panic. These rabbis were crossing a technological red line: All religious teachings other than the Bible itself were to be transmitted orally, from teacher to student. According to this section of the Talmud, it was forbidden to write down any religious teaching outside of the text of the Bible. And yet, despite the clear prohibition articulated in this passage, some…

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Fear, Guns, and the (Unwinnable) War Against Death: A Letter to My Fellow Americans

…mass species extinctions are affecting us deeply. Rose argued that in the past, life and death were part of the ecological fabric of life on earth. Death was a fact. And while it’s always been painful to cope with, death also helped to produce the conditions for new life. Processes of decay, for instance, made it possible for us to grow the food we needed, to sustain us. Our many varied burial rituals, Rose argued, have been one key way that we a…

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Three church doors in a row, all shut.

As a Queer Catholic Woman I Had High Hopes Before the 2023 Catholic Synod on Synodality

…eam of the Synod of Bishops, punctuated by anger as I read the summit’s 41-page report. This past Friday I saw New Ways Ministry’s statement, “Synod Report Greatly Disappoints, But We Must Have Hope,” while walking down a busy DC thoroughfare. In it Francis DeBernardo, executive director of the LGBTQ+-affirming Catholic organization, points out how, despite previous documents discussing the welcoming and inclusion of LGBTQ Catholics, there were no…

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Alabama’s IVF Ruling Reveals Deep Ties to This Increasingly Influential Christian Right Movement

…out revival. And I’m trying to convince my fellow judges that they need to participate and also help bring about revival. And he’s referencing Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce… He’s on a first name basis with a number of these prophets… He doesn’t casually dip into these things, he’s really tracking these prophets. Taylor sees Parker’s influence in both the court’s ruling and his concurrence: I mean, a state Supreme Court justice is referencing moder…

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