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Sharbat Gula’s Experience Exemplifies the ‘White Savior’ Lens Through Which Most Americans View Afghanistan

…icative of Pakistan’s strategic maneuvering and strengthening of ties with China and Russia. Afghans with the access to do so have fled their cherished homeland to restart their lives elsewhere. Bibi Sharbat Gula, captured on the cover of the June 1985 edition of National Geographic, is one of them. Sharbat Gula’s then-ten-year-old face is also one of the most enduring images of Afghanistan for the West. Her picture, however, isn’t merely a portra…

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Savoring the Haterade: Why Jews Love Dara Horn’s ‘People Love Dead Jews’

…le are not Jews, but non-Jews. Non-Jews of all sorts and from many places; China, America, the Soviet Union, Syria etc. Many locales where Jews once lived, and sometimes still live, but were also banished from or murdered. And then memorialized. People Love Dead Jews is a book about collective victimhood and the inability to disentangle from it. Not circumstantial victimhood, not situational victimhood, but systemic victimhood. The premise is that…

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In Just 10 Years ‘The Book of Mormon’ Musical Has Gone From America’s Darling to America’s Latest Problem — The Inverse of the Mormon Story

…racially with Muslims and other social pariahs at the time associated with China and Africa. It wasn’t until the middle of the twentieth century that Mormonism put forward a narrative of itself that flipped the script on its racial identity. The Church dropped polygamy and opened its arms wide to America. Mormons became linked with the highest favors of middle-class whiteness—industrious, capitalist, monogamous. Their social retribution even took…

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The End of My Line: It’s Okay to Embrace The ‘Covid Baby Bust’

…rs around a long oval table, with the special lace tablecloth, the wedding china, and the good silver, and candles glowing up and down the meridian. In fact, when I was ten years old, I drew up a chart of all of the children I would have. There were seven girls and three boys. The columns included: “Job-to-Be,” “Hair Color,” “Hair Type,” and “Eye Color.” I even drew their pictures on index cards (though curiously, I only made portraits of the girl…

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2021 National Prayer Breakfast: A Kinder Gentler Christian Capitalism

…3, reverted this year to dishing out their faith based programming on fine china in lieu of the fast-food version served by the Trump White House. As expected, media coverage of NPB focused on President Joe Biden’s bipartisan message of national unity and faith in light of the January 6 Capitol insurrection, with even Fox News highlighting Biden’s call to end “political extremism.” Gone were the Trumpian outward displays of a politicized version o…

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11 Top RD Stories of the Year: Because in 2020 Religion Went to 11

…activist Charlie Kirk, who referred to the coronavirus (COVID-19) as the “China Virus.“ Kirk also exclaimed in his tweet, “Now, more than ever, we need the wall…the US stands a chance if we can get control of our borders.” Trump retweeted this and added the comment, “Going up fast. We need… READ MORE   Go to top   8. Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’, Andre E. Key Over the past week, tw…

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Christian Terrorist in TX Was Paid ‘Investigator’ for Prominent GOP Activists and Donors

…e full of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots. Unsurprisingly, the number of ballots found in the truck, fraudulent or otherwise, was precisely zero. If you’re like me, when this story broke, the detail that most stood out to you was that an entity known as the Liberty Center for God and Country paid Aguirre $266,400 as part of its vigilante “investigation” into non-existent election irregularities. We wanted to know who pours that kind of…

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Monks With Guns: Discovering Buddhist Violence

…illustrate the violent history of Buddhism across Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India. Our intention is not to argue that Buddhists are angry, violent people—but rather that Buddhists are people, and thus share the same human spectrum of emotions, which includes the penchant for violence. Although the book only arrived at bookstores last month, it apparently touched some nerves in the academic community before its…

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The Revelation of Kurt Andersen: With ‘Evil Geniuses’ a Media Mandarin Discovers Plutocracy

…borrowers; they shipped two-thirds of our manufacturing jobs to Mexico and China and then stripped away the pension benefits of the workers who remained; they even managed to turn public schools and public prisons into profit centers for the investor class. And these days: big-time private equity operators wringing billions from pain and suffering in disease-ridden nursing homes? Kids dying outright while the old and desperate lose their houses ov…

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