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So Much for “Judeo-Christian” Values

…can Jewish Coalition president Matt Brooks was disappointed: “I was certainly hoping that Eric was going to be our first Jewish speaker.” Political analyst David Wasserman, the New York Times reports, “said another, more local factor has to be acknowledged,” that Cantor “was culturally out of step with a redrawn district that was more rural, more gun-oriented, and more conservative.” “Part of this plays into his religion,” Wasserman told the Times…

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Honey, I Shrunk the Church: The Vatican Manages Sexual Abuse, Canonization and the Nuns

…xcept apparently, when it might be convenient. Since when does anything apply only to the papal enclave? Maybe the contract for mowing the grass, but certainly not the institution’s position on birth control as part of government-funded health care, or even divorce and remarriage when it comes to who is welcome to receive the sacraments. The long arm of the Vatican reaches into those matters, but the real estate shrinks right up to nothing when li…

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Secular As Kids, Religious As Adults?

…at “those with religiously unaffiliated parents as children are significantly less likely to express a religious preference as adults.” Indeed Merino, using data from the General Social Survey, found that along with increasing numbers of Americans raised with no religion, “[e]ven more notable is the growing tendency for those raised with no religion to have no religion as adults.” In fact, Merino adds: Among cohorts born after 1955, a clear majori…

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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

…veryone participates. Immunity is one of those elusive social goods that only works if (nearly) everyone opts in. When a population is thoroughly vaccinated, even the stray unimmunized child will be safe. No one is around to get her sick. There’s no cost for opting out, until enough people do so that the population is peppered with unvaccinated dissenters, and, bam: measles outbreak at Disneyland. It’s not just the children of anti-vaxxers who are…

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What This All-Star Christian Movie Gets Wrong About Christianity

…his encounter, saying that he was so moved by it, so shaken, that it can only have been the Holy Spirit. I don’t think I overstate things when I suggest that the screenwriters mean for us to interpret their movie by the same rubric. The movie moves us… or, well, it moves the people it was intended for. Aha, that must be the Holy Spirit at work! Theologically, though, such a rubric is entirely wrongheaded. If my mind should generate some pious-soun…

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Joined at the Hip: White Nationalist Christianity and Donald Trump

…akes you a car.” The main takeaway of the Douthat column, however, and the bit that truly boggles the mind, drastically undercuts the overall thrust of his argument. This is where Douthat concedes that a significant number of the Good Christians have, in fact, gone over to Trump because they feel that the liberals have taken their country away from them. Oh, my goodness gracious! Douthat puts it somewhat more delicately, of course, alluding to ser…

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American Horror Story: Hotel and Monotheism’s Dirty Little Secrets

…ragon of the Book of Revelation. Meanwhile, in South Asia, the naga—partially human, partially serpent—became bearers of good fortune. In Buddhism, a cobra-like naga named Mucalinda sheltered Gautama during his awakening under the bodhi tree. In China, dragons became, not beasts to be slain, but embodiments of Tian/T’ien, the very balance that brought cosmic harmony to the universe. Such concepts are mostly unknown to Western European and West Asi…

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…only twice the cost of a mailed potato). Dumb Cuneiform is also making a sly bit of commentary about online speech. It juxtaposes tweets, which are effortless to write, with a labor-intensive writing practice that was used for thousands of years. With examples like, “I know when that hotline bling that can only mean one thing,” the joke of the service is to inscribe permanently the “dumb” ephemera of social media. Dumb Cuneiform is, of course, ju…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…to harm one community. However, as the DUP have 38 MLAs, they can effectively unilaterally stop any legislation. Director of The Rainbow Project, John O’Doherty said: “It is true that the DUP have abused the petition of concern to block this vote and are now ignoring the will of the Assembly and the people of Northern Ireland but we will not allow them to dampen our joy… our campaign continues and it will not end until marriage equality is a reali…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…they created an ark which contained the totality of their society—a supremely peaceful and artistically creative civilization. But when calculating the date of the star’s explosion, the Jesuit makes a terrible discovery. In despair the priest cries out: “God, there were so many stars you could have used. What was the need to give these people to the fire, that the symbol of their passing might shine above Bethlehem?” Whether this story is an athei…

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