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Phone Number For Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 Official Site

Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane

…he Bedford bike lane, which was placed there by the city in 2007. While in official meetings, community leaders always cited concerns with traffic and safety, news articles usually drew attention to off-the-record complaints about proper attire. This, in turn, became the most commonly accepted explanation among bicycle activists for the lane’s removal. “There’s nothing unsafe about bikes,” says Theo Angell, a 41-year-old artist who joined in the D…

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Republican Party: You Are What You Are!

…mately took it seriously] and the “Waterboard Barack Obama” posting on the official Web site of the Sacramento Republican Party have pushed me over the cliff of compassion and attempts at understanding the conservative agenda. The RNC can no longer simply denounce such hateful acts without first admitting that the Republican “southern strategy” of racial division has become their national modus operandi and self-definition. As far as the Grand Ol’…

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LDS Church and the Birth Control Controversy

…birth control options, and affordable contraception is dispensed at the on-site pharmacy. Deseret Mutual Benefit Association (DMBA), however, a nonprofit corporation that provides health and other benefits to employees of the LDS Church and its affiliates (including Brigham Young University), lists among its exclusions “family planning, including contraception, birth control devices, and/or sterilization procedures,” unless the patient meets narro…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…family for trying to get to the truth of his death rather than accept the official false war hero narrative spun by the Bush administration? In an interview with, Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich, who led the second investigation into Tillman’s death, said the reason for the family’s dogged pursuit of the truth of his death was because they didn’t believe in God. “When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are…

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Queering Easter: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Redefine Sainthood

…. Founded in 1979, the order’s official history (a.k.a. “sistory”—see this site) begins with their resistance to conformity within gay culture: On Easter Weekend, during the time of the “Castro Clone,” three men went out into the streets to challenge the world. They went in full, traditional habits through the streets of our city and down to the nude beach. One even carried a machine gun and smoked a cigar. They were met with shock and amazement,…

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Gun Ownership: ‘An Obligation to God’

…courts of jurisdiction to hear cases challenging a government entity’s or official’s “acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.” This clear articulation of the religious right’s dominionist aims, framed as a challenge to what the Right asserts is the excessive power of the federal government, did manage to receive Republican support. It had nine co-sponsors in the Senate and was introduced in the House by Alaba…

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Harry Jackson Fundraises for Anti-Obama Campaign

…ackson says he wants EPU to be a clearinghouse. There’s very little on the site now, but he promised that within a week it would include videos with African-American and Spanish-speaking messengers that activists could send to friends. He said some videos would feature anti-poverty activists in Uganda and the West Indies complaining that needed aid from the U.S. is being held hostage to the Obama administration’s efforts to promote LGBT rights int…

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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…come impetus for familial combat, and Elks Clubs find new nostalgia as the site of the First Dance. Although some may strain to find the right tune that is neither too sappy nor too obscure, this year an obvious option reveals itself. With renewed patriotism, girls (and girls) and boys (and boys) will endure the swelter, survive the photos, and finally stand up to Etta James’ “At Last.” Just like Michelle in that inaugural bridal chiffon, the ones…

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Want Straight Talk on the Romney-Rosen Mommy Wars?

…ce.” Economic realities make motherhood, as Butterworth described it, “the number one risk factor for poverty in America.” Pointing out the incredible economic vulnerability of stay-at-home mothers, Butterworth wrote: “We invest time and money and energy and resources into things we truly value. We build museums to house valuable works of art. We build giant sports complexes to house our valuable entertainment opportunities. We build giant road sy…

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Crying Witch: Learning From the O’Donnell “Dabbling” Debacle

…those of us interested in religion, the strange midnight picnic becomes a site for untangling confusions about religious practice and religious terms. What is a Witch? O’Donnell’s jokey comments draw from the well of popular cultural ideas about witches and witchcraft, conceptions shaped in large part by fiction, theater, movies, and television; from Shakespeare to Frank Baum to J.K. Rowling. Intentional or not, O’Donnell’s invocation of fictiona…

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