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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…donism), and biodynamic farmers, whose movement grew out of the explicitly spiritual work of Rudolph Steiner, are quite comfortable with spiritual, cosmological language. Scholar Melissa Caldwell points out that in Russia, “‘natural foods’ philosophies represent the natural environment as a source of sociability and spirituality,” and Russians feel nature “not only produces but also nourishes and protects the Russian nation.” Personal gardening is…

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Ted Haggard on ‘Loveless’ Evangelical Church

…er (Cheech and Chong will be performing their Getting Legal tour there Oct. 16), Haggard holds Sunday worship in Studio Bee. It’s part of his gradual return to his ministry, which he began in November. Perhaps he’s picked up some humility since the scandal which led to his ouster from his pastorship of the 14,000-member Free Life Church and his resignation as head of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals. Or perhaps his ego is…

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Paul Crouch, Architect of Prosperity Gospel Televangelism, Dead at 79

…mning three-part exposé of the family’s mansions, luxury cars, and private airplane. But perhaps the most damaging revelation was the claim by Crouch’s former chauffeur, Lonnie Ford, that Crouch had paid him $425,000 in hush money to keep silent, Ford claimed, about how he was forced to have sex with Crouch to keep his job. On the air, Crouch called the story a “pack of lies right out of the pit of hell.” Other prosperity televangelists closed ran…

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…, dhabihah. The most significant thing is that all life belongs to Allah. We do not take even an animal’s life unless we do so in the name of Allah. That is why the words are recited over the animal: bi-s mi-Lah. Well from there we do the head-shave or hair-clip thing again to denote the end of the ritual. We eventually return to Mina, throw more stones and end up in Makkah to do the farewell tawwaf some time around the 12th of Zul-Hijjah. Now tha…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…y own travel or to pick up family and friends. The road signs had a little airplane logo to designate the way to the airport. I never got lost going, but always got lost trying to get back home. I used to say, there needs to be a sign with a little picture of my house to direct me. I knew how to get to the mountain but I forgot to make markers for getting back! Anyway, while wandering around until I found the road with that gate that led to our te…

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Memo To Kathleen Parker on ‘Father Sky’ Reference in Tucson Memorial

…Earth” isn’t exactly “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” It’s downright weird, isn’t it? It’s almost as bad as “Brother Sun” or “Sister Moon,” or “Brothers Wind and Air.” Really? How about “Sister Water”? C’mon. Really? Really? No no, I can top that: “Brother Fire.” Best of all: “Sister Bodily Death.” Who comes up with this crap? Oh, wait. A major Christian saint came up with that crap (Hint: He died in Assisi). As a bon…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…ges that Newt asked her for an “open marriage” in 1999, while having an affair with Callista. (The full interview will air tonight.) Moments later, Rick Perry stood in front of the press corps in South Carolina, announced he was dropping out, and endorsed Gingrich. In its story on the Gingrich marriage, the Washington Post adds the delicious tidbit that the day after asking Marianne for a divorce, Newt gave a speech to Republican activists on “The…

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Simon Critchley, Atheist Religious Thinker on Utopia & the Fiction of Faith

…into topics like Rousseau’s theory of civil religion, mystical anarchism in 13th and 14th century movements of the Free Spirit, debates about religious violence. The Faith of the Faithless points to the ways in which religious ideas—theology—are still deeply (if crookedly) embedded in our politics, a convoluted situation for which Critchley has no simple solution. But he does suggest that old theological standbys (faith, hope, love) might still of…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and lay missioner Jean Donovan.  On November 16, 1989, six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her 15-year-old daughter were massacred by the Salvadoran military. When U.S. congressional leaders announced that those responsible for the slayings had been trained at the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA) at Fort Benning, Georgia, I and a small group of friends returned to Georgia to investigate the SOA. In 1990,…

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The High Church of Art

…museum escape the fiction of its own secularity and thereby rediscover its spiritual roots, its spiritual task? It is telling that Sweeney’s bold vision was not entirely successful. He resigned from the Guggenheim when Harry Frank Guggenheim encouraged him to promote “a more popular educational approach.” And he was later asked to step down from his post at the Houston Museum when his “innovative if controversial curatorial approach came up agains…

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