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Are (White) Evangelicals Really Dwindling? A Debate Heats Up

…mainline and look at white Protestants overall (who lean Republican in the South), the thesis of my article is still true. Between 2007 and 2013, there has been a significant drop in the proportion of white Protestants in each of these states, ranging from a high of a 15-point drop in Arkansas to a low of an 8-point drop in Louisiana.” Notwithstanding this dispute between Jones and Grant, the outcome of the election will turn, obviously, on a rang…

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Eid on 9/11 Anniversary?

…bumping into tourists, every few days, who’d ask: “which way’s north?” Or south, or east, or west. I’d smile, and turn south, and point out the World Trade Center. I’d tell them: Just keep an eye on that, and you’ll always know where to go. But there was just smoke, and it stole more and more of the sky, overcoming that beautiful September morning with a sick smell. If Eid ul-Fitr falls on the anniversary of that day, it will be an especially dif…

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How Muslim Civic Activism Helped Pass California’s Prop 47

…nter-narrative to all of that.” Jawaid, an LA Voice organizer working with African-American Muslims in South Los Angeles, said that she is encouraged by the linkages across differences of race, generation and religion that activism around Prop 47 has forged. “It’s relatively new for immigrant Muslims to work on issues that aren’t exclusive to their communities,” she said. “This has been a huge multi-faith effort. It’s pretty exciting for me person…

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Gay and Lesbian Candidates Win Primary Victories

…off for the Republican nomination for governor in my current home state of South Carolina. In the land of good-ol’-white-boys running the show, to see Nikki Haley come this close to the highest state office is breathtaking. What’s truly amazing however, is that Haley is the child of Indian immigrants and was raised as a Sikh before converting to Christianity. She has served in the state legislature for three years, so this woman knows how to win e…

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Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and Pro-Home Birth

…rector of community options at the Spearfish Family Planning clinic of the South Dakota Department of Health, says that due to limited midwifery options in her state, some women choose to give birth unassisted or in the hospital. Others cross the border to Montana, a state which recognizes the licensing of CPMs, which in turn affords them the opportunity to publicly advertise their services. But in South Dakota, she says, “there are women who aren…

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Bree Newsome and the True Meaning of Civil Disobedience

…slaughtered from Emanuel AME Church, as at least six black churches in the south have been set aflame in what authorities believe are arsons, as the south is belatedly addressing its long-standing reverence for the flag used to support slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation—it is mind-boggling to see these activists compare their opposition to people who are in love getting married to the struggle for freedom and equality for black people in this coun…

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The Forgotten History of Black Calvinism and the Haunting of American Folk Music

…ism’s complex fate, and the religious reconstruction of the post-Civil War South. It has long been a given among historians of religion in the South that Calvinism had little, if any, purchase among the enslaved or their descendants, that the doctrines of predestination were invariably arms of the status quo, and that a sin-obsessed Calvinism was simply inimical to the emancipationist energies coursing through black America in the decades after th…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…e New England abolitionists, the pilgrims were to be contrasted with their southern countrymen in what constituted a sort of Paradise Lost of American beginnings. The south may be older, but it was founded on a legacy of slavery as opposed to the tradition of liberty in the north. It was actually a view shared by Confederate sympathizers who saw southern culture as a colonial outpost of European civilization in opposition to the religious radicali…

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Post-Paris Reflections: We May Have to Learn to Hope

…too little too late. How can this be? How can all those people, North and South, work as hard as they can, together, and still not have it be enough? Because more has to change. Frankly, everything must change. One thing that could derail this momentous agreement among the wise and weathered people of the world is the threat of terrorism. The lead news stories all these last ten days have been San Bernardino or Chicago or the French election, mov…

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The Fusion Friendships of Rev. Barber’s Third Reconstruction

…within this country. While I may not exactly share Rev. Barber’s sometimes Southern-centric outlook, I’m aware that I can’t understand the United States apart from the South or apart from the Reconstruction(s). As someone whose roots are newer to the U.S. and whose roots go deeper south to the Caribbean part of Colombia, I’m aware that Rev. Barber raises problems and alternative possibilities that go to the roots of this country, roots that the No…

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