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Pornography’s Dirty Little Secret: What We Say vs. What We Do

…any case, the rhetoric and reality gaps when it comes to religion and porn use easily confuses the issues and leaves people at odds in knowing what to do. Associate Pastor Cameron Beyenberg works with youth at a Southern California church. In working with young people between the ages of 14 and 18, Beyenberg notes that teens have a lot of questions abut pornography, and they really want to talk about the issues—even if some of the teens are initia…

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Cruz Brings GOP Nomination into the Toilet

…oms, with several parents challenging schools who let transgender children use the restroom of their choice, because they don’t want to have to explain to their kids why Brenda is now Johnnie. This upsets the whole applecart about fixed gender identities as well as traditional male and female sexual and culture roles. It’s not hard to understand how the more public emergence of transgender people is upsetting to more traditionally minded people, e…

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Should Evangelicals Smoke Pot?

…it occurs. And since our particular context is not conducive to marijuana use, marijuana use would be “foolish” within it. Crouch explains: In our North American context, what is the function of pot? It is associated with superficially pleasant disengagement from the world. It connotes a kind of indolence and “tuning out” that is not an option for people who want to become agents of compassion and neighbor love, not to mention its association wit…

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Gun Ownership as Sin—A Strategic, Secular Proposal for Gun Reform

…e of guns that non-gun-owners often forget: They’re fun. They’re owned and used largely for sport. And when they’re not being used, guns can be fondled for the pure pleasure of it. The fun aspect, too, is largely seen as a “guy thing,” even when the gun owners are women.  Teddy Roosevelt knew all this very well when he led his well-armed Rough Riders up San Juan hill, and when he sent the Great White Fleet—sixteen battleships armed with huge protr…

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Synod or Sin Oddly: Vatican Encourages Catholics to ‘Walk Together’ as Long as the Hierarchy Leads the Way and Decides the Route

…in the cellar—ask the hundreds of thousands of victims of clergy sexual abuse in France, just to take a small sample—it’s obvious why some in the Vatican, including Pope Francis, want to change the rhetoric and iconography. One more photo of robed bishops gathered in a synod is not the answer to their prayers. But this hybrid process runs the real risk of instrumentalizing people, and distracting from important work for justice when there’s no si…

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New Apostolic Reformation Faces Profound Rift Due to Trump Prophecies and ‘Spiritual Manipulation of the Prophetic Gift’

…the current standoff. Ernie Gruen, a Charismatic pastor in Kansas City, accused Mike Bickle and the KCP of prophetic abuses in a 233-page document, targeting mainly prophets Bob Jones, Paul Cain, and John Paul Jackson. (Bickle is familiar with wrangling prophetic ethics, since he was listed as a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) in 1999, along with C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce and Jim Goll, to…

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Knighting Viktor Orbán for ‘Defending Christianity,’ Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Demonstrates That ‘Culture War’ is the Only Theology That Matters to the Global Right

…omments regarding a “single Orthodox faith without borders” is essentially code for the idea that Kosovo belongs to Serbia). None of this excuses the Christian tradition—wildly diverse as it is—for its role in this contemporary phenomenon, but it does rob the CCNs of one of their most important claims: that they represent a historically normative, traditional form of Christianity defending itself against revolutionary modernizers. Like Wahhabis in…

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In its Battle for ‘Life’ the Antiabortion Movement is Willing to Expose its Enemies to Death — And There’s an Old Christian Theology that Supports Them

…hat their commitment to life is, at best, inconsistent. A proposed bill in South Carolina highlights just how disposable the lives of people who have abortions are to antiabortion activists. The bill, HB 3549, seeks to amend the state’s law code so that an abortion would be treated as a homicide by the state’s judicial system, which could make the death penalty a potential consequence. It would be difficult to interpret this as anything other than…

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Inspired by the Anti-Abortion Movement and QAnon, Anti-Trans Rhetoric is a Blatant Call for Violence

…of the Nazi assaults on the German trans community. The new playbooks also use the same narratives the Christian Right used on gay people in the past, the same made-up logic about transness or gayness as a “social contagion.” Because gay or trans people can’t reproduce, their lie goes, they have to “indoctrinate” children with their “perversion.” Framing a marginalized group as predators accomplishes two things: it demonizes them while also portra…

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For Many Christian Zionists, Israeli Protesters are a Threat to God’s Plan

…grabs—or in favor of LGBTQ rights, racial equality or other progressive causes around the world—has become a main far-right talking point according to expert Ben Lorber, my colleague at Political Research Associates.* Many far-right pundits have attributed blame to these same forces for, among other things, inciting the Arab Spring in 2011 and orchestrating the supposed theft of the 2020 election from Trump. CHPP laments how internal strife is ma…

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