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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…ne” men suspected of being gay were being killed. The U.K.’s parliamentary International Development Committee released a report this week that identified LGBTs from Syria as some of the most vulnerable refugees. Dominican Republic: Anti-Gay Leaders Say Gay Ambassador Should Be ‘Persona Non Grata’ We have previously noted the war of words waged by some Catholic Church officials against openly gay U.S. Ambassador Wally Brewster; those efforts reach…

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‘Barbaric’ v ‘Progressive’ Islam; Catholic Church Objects to Mexican Court OK For Gay Adoption; Malaysian Court Weighs Boundaries Of Civil and Shariah Law; Global LGBT Recap

…ca and Caribbean: New IGLHRC report on homophobia/transphobia in media The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Comission, in collaboration with a number of partners, released a study on homophobia and transphobia in Caribbean media, based on analysis from Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica and Saint Lucia. The report’s section on Belize refers to the role played by the Belize Association of Evangelical Churches and its vice president, Scott S…

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…m,” secretly videotaped his journey to Mecca on his iPhone and other small phones. “I was terrified because they reserve the death penalty for people like me,” Sharma said. Several times he had his equipment seized and video files deleted by authorities. But he persevered with both his spiritual journey and his film. “I was there making this pilgrimage for the thousands of gay Muslims who were too scared to go to Saudi Arabia, who would feel they…

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Adventists Cancel ‘Holy Sexuality’ Confab; Egyptian Court OKs Deportation of Gays; Mongolian Trans Activist Gives TV Interview; Global LGBT Recap

…3 percent indicated varying levels of disapproval. Nearly 15 percent chose numbers five or six, suggesting that they didn’t have strong feelings either way. Roughly 12 percent of the participants indicated varying levels of approval for a homosexual’s right to run for office. Of that figure, 5.2 percent strongly approve. The results are a part of the Americas Barometer survey, which is the only scientifically rigorous comparative survey that cover…

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Pope Backs Anti-Gay Referendum; Islamic State Executions Include Gay Syrian; ‘Conscience Clause’ Debated in Northern Ireland; Global LGBT Recap

…in opposition to this draconian legislation.” Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International added: “What is proposed is not a conscience clause, it is a discrimination clause. “This change to the law is not welcome and it is not needed. The law already strikes a fair balance between the human right to freedom of religion and the human right not to suffer discrimination. Poland: Trans MP runs for presidency Anna Grodzk, a transgender member of the Pol…

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LGBTs in Philippines Reflect on Papal Visit; Francis Meets Trans Man Shunned by Parish; French Group Turns ‘Bar of Sodom’ into ‘Pub of Mercy’; Global LGBT Recap

…oare at Slate and Michelle Garcia at the Advocate. In the US Congress, The International Human Rights Defense Act was introduced by Sen. Edward Markey and Rep. Alan Lowenthal. The bill would create a special envoy for LGBT human rights and require the State Department to make a priority of preventing and responding to anti-LGBT violence and discrimination. From Reuters: “We must do what we can as a nation to enforce the precept that all human bein…

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God’s Body, God’s Plan: The Komen Furor and Abortion as Black/Latino “Genocide”

…ack and Latino women about the genocidal evil of abortion, groups like the International Coalition of Color want to keep women of color grossly misinformed. In one especially fraudulent PowerPoint slide on the group’s website, Sanchez Silver claims that Komen’s “Pink Money Cycle” actually increases breast cancer in women because abortions cause breast cancer. This particular bit of right wing fantasy resembles climate change denial. There is no sc…

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Bishop Says Gay Couples Cannot Be Part of Parish Life; Does Rising Evangelical Political Power in Brazil Contribute to Anti-LGBT Violence?; Global LGBT Recap

…es of sexual orientation and gender identity (often abbreviated as SOGI in international contexts) are a threat to the way these people see the world. Never mind the science of gender or sexual orientation; this is dogma. In the Hindustan Times, Dhurbo Jyoti criticized the Indian government for abstaining from the vote: In not backing the resolution, New Delhi joined a clutch of African countries with a history of violence against gender and sexua…

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A Startling Number Believe You Can Be Jewish Jesus Follower; Why It’s Not As Crazy As It Sounds

…that number seems staggeringly high. A full third? Once you delve into the numbers, though, 34% doesn’t seem quite so high. Really, Pew has asked an excellent question—a question that reveals the full tangle of ambiguities and inconsistencies that surround the topic of Jewish identity. First, some background: when the researchers at Pew set out to conduct this survey, they quickly ran into a problem that’s been under discussion for at least two th…

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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…ilization is only on the surface. One day people will riot in much greater numbers than in the late eighties”… Today, the person who controls the two banners [of religion and nationality] in Tibet is none other than the Dalai Lama, who enjoys the status both of the highest spiritual leader and the internationally recognized symbol of Tibetan nationhood. These remarkably candid words from one of China’s most important writers on Tibetan issues demo…

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