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Можно ли вернуть мужа от любовницы детальнее

This Halloween, Think of Islam as a Religion of Pieces. Reese’s Pieces.

…m and your name is, say, Muhammad, the least of your problems will not be flying again. Actually, many of these ideas could end badly. For you. So think twice. Stop, drop and Tootsie Roll.™ Hooded young men with candy, after all, push armed American males into firing indiscriminately in any direction, which is called freedom. Maybe it’d be safer to start from a different perspective. So let’s take a look at the trick-or-treatee’s side of the equat…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…n a different line, because the two companies counted the minutes differently. Not surprisingly, railroad owners wanted a common currency of time, or at least a reliable way of making conversions. They got it. Gradually, cities and regions folded themselves into national and international time standards, although there were significant holdouts (most notably, the city of Calcutta) until the 1950s. That transition could be difficult, and at times c…

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FOX News. Israel. Palestine. What Could Go Wrong?

…conflict, a civil war, between Israelis and Palestinians, which will quickly draw in extremist groups. To argue this is not “racist.” It’s simply obvious. If you marginalize people who push for peace, who want negotiations and conversations, then you necessarily pull forward the people who want anything but. (It’s also ironic considering that we, as Americans, revolted and fought a war for our independence over far lesser grievances.) If we’re so…

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Let There Be Light: Handwritten Draft of King James Bible Reveals Secrets of Its Creation

…ution in 1536). A literary genius whose influence on the language is arguably second only to Shakespeare’s, Tyndale lent the King James translators such phrases as “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,” “eat, drink and be merry,” “my brother’s keeper,” “it came to pass,” “the salt of the earth,” “the signs of the times”—and perhaps most sublimely, “let there be light,” among many others. Tyndale’s verbal power was so great that ev…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…And not in a romantic, mysterious-in-her-misery kind or way—I mean crushingly, lastingly, there-is-no-happy-ending-to-this-story haunted by the violence she has inflicted, and been subject to. Collins packages Katniss’s disturbance in the hallmark symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, including flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of triggers, guilt, and sudden reactivity. Once you see this, other young adult fiction seems oddly heartless. How d…

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The Fragility of Our Reality: A Conversation with the Brain Behind PBS Miniseries on Neuroscience

…here? What is the self? Is there a soul? It seems to cut to these politically and culturally charged questions more than most other fields. I feel very lucky about that, because if I were an expert in soil mechanics or something, my work would be important, but nobody would care about the questions I’m asking. What attracted me to this field is the centrality of the brain to our identities. It’s interesting that you said that the questions it touc…

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Lying About Our Religion, And Other Problems With Polling

…sponded to this poll (response rate: one in ten), and who fall within an arbitrarily-defined generational frame, declined to tell the aforementioned complete stranger that they were affiliated with any specific religious group.” These are not equivalent statements. For some reason, though, journalistic standards don’t require writers to acknowledge that distinction. Manufacturing publics So what do these polls and surveys do, exactly? We imagine t…

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The Untold Story of Religious Support for Gay Rights

…yed in obstructing gay rights, her examples of sometimes misguided but deeply sincere religious support for gay rights—especially in the pre-Stonewall era of terrible persecution—are important additions to the story. Did Stonewall inaugurate the American gay rights movement? White’s work shows conclusively that the organized fight for gay rights was going on well before Stonewall. Just like Rosa Parks’ refusal to move to the back of the bus could…

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God May Weep For Church Sexual Abuse, But Bishop Chaput Prefers to Bark

…abuse scandal has destroyed families, how can it hope to speak theologically or pastorally to the pressing issues of the family? Going back to repair and repent seems to be a logical part of the process of going forward. Attitudes like Archbishop Chaput’s are the reason why the church continues to struggle with that necessary process. The weight of the abused bodies of children, the suicides, the drug addictions, and the terror of those who have…

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Springtime for Ross Douthat?

…thout bothering to understand the theological complexities of the religiously unaffiliated: that they are overwhelmingly believers, not atheists, much less anti-theists, that they feel pushed out of the church by exactly the judgmentalism that Francis works to counteract, that many of them have moved left exactly because they are so disgusted by the connection between religion and right-wing politics. Then there’s the slur that liberal Christianit…

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