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UPDATE: Religion’s Role in the Boston Bombings

…they’re acting as defenders of the faith—and instances where there are actual radical religious groups actively supporting violent attacks.  UPDATE: In a new post, Dr. Strenski offers a compelling proposition, that “internet Islam” be considered a new node in an ever-evolving religious landscape—and that this was the faith (or the “dream”) that the Tsernaev brothers believed they were defending. Read the conversation, as it develops, and come back…

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Church Uses Facebook for Sacramental Scrutiny at its Peril

…, has generally retained the democratic, collaborative, transparent, and dialogical ethos of its earliest enthusiasts.  No reasonable communicator these days, then, expects a passive mass of consumers to gobble up a magisterially-broadcast message whole, not having the opportunity to share their own, potentially influential, perspectives. Hence those Twitter hashtags at the bottom of your TV screen. We expect interactivity. We assume someone’s lis…

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Savita Halappanavar’s Heartbreaking Death

…y Ms. Halappanavar’s request for an abortion was denied. (University Hospital Galway, where she died, is not a Catholic hospital.) Those who defend Ireland’s abortion ban have suggested that she may have died from the delayed administration of antibiotics, and not, strictly speaking, for lack of an abortion. (Which… I mean, I’m not that sort of doctor. But this person is, and she says that the standard of care is “hastening delivery by the safest…

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Seen Andrew Sullivan’s Expose-Style Footage of the LDS Temple? Now Read This.

…founder Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith, who were assassinated while jailed in Illinois in 1844. Brigham Young developed and introduced the oath in 1845. It was removed in the 1930s. When a former LDS Church leader named Reed Smoot was elected to serve as Utah Senator in 1903, ministerial associations across the country petitioned Congress that he was unfit to serve due in part to Smoot’s own participation in temple rituals, including th…

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Missouri Pastor Goes Viral on Gawker: ‘Separation of Church and Hate’

…u hold: your religious convictions, and your convictions about marriage equality (realizing that they are not two separate things). A bunch of different things, but mostly my friendships with those who are gay. Here is an excerpt from a sermon I preached back in July: My mind has changed a lot on this over the years. Throughout the course of my own ministry I started meeting more and more people who came to me in pastoral confidence and talked to…

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Mitt’s Jesus, Barack’s Jesus, and Why Christ’s Color Matters

…Jesus,” “Chicano Jesus.” The color of Christ continues to reflect our racial realities and fantasies. In post-racial America that means rhetoric of being beyond color but still beholden to history and power of whiteness.   Joanna Brooks: I think we’re all agreed that post-racial just… isn’t. But I’m thinking too about the multidimensional influence of race on faith. The sociologist Stuart Hall once said, “Race is the modality through which class…

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Veep Voter Guide: Comparing Apples to Ayn Rand

…s an admirer of Ayn Rand. He has advocated, based on his apparently deep philosophical convictions, for deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. And that puts him at odds with Catholic social teaching, according to the group of Catholic theologians, academics, and ministers behind “On All of Our Shoulders: A Catholic Call to Protect the Endangered Common Good.” I am fortunate enough to know a number of the signers (theology’s a pretty sma…

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Pro-Gay Marriage Mormon Keeps Faith Despite Church Pressure

…ollow the prophet.’ But do you have to choose between the church you love and the inspiration you feel you are getting from an honest place?” Is there a place for individual conscience in contemporary Mormonism? How will a global church that stresses uniformity respond to growing political diversity within its membership? Her video—which has now been viewed more than 250,000 times—has certainly restarted that discussion….

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Who Bombed the Boston Marathon?

…a group or a lone Timothy McVeigh (whose bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building took place two days after Patriots’ Day in 1995) were found to have been involved. Groups like this have been on the rise since the election of President Barack Obama, and even more so since his reelection. According to a report issued by the reliable Southern Poverty Law Center last year, the number of extremist Patriot groups has skyrocketed. Only 149 groups e…

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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…nist narrative of its authority, the museum blames it for a variety of social ills, from pornography to pre-marital sex and abortion. The heavy-handed symbolism and moral hectoring are intended not to persuade the uncommitted but to rally the faithful and generate the shared sentiments of recognition and group cohesion necessary for social action. And since a primary goal is to elicit this emotional response, the various discrepancies of logic and…

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