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New Study of Christian Nationalism in Texas Should be a Warning for the Whole Country

…on of our country” and “provid[e] information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values.” The WallBuilders ProFamily Legislative Network assists “conservative God-fearing legislators” across the nation by supplying “expert testimony” and screening and drafting legislation. Barton’s radio program/podcast, “WallBuilders Live!,” described as “a daily journey…to capture the ideas of the Foundi…

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Texas Faith Leaders Say Governor’s Use of Pandemic to Ban Abortion is an Attack on Religious Freedom (Updated)

…nsion of the insistence on one particular theological point of view as the official, governmental theological point of view, which is totally inappropriate,” said Austin Rabbi Alan Freedman, one of the panelists. That “official theology” has long been evident at the highest reaches of Texas state government. Abbott, a Roman Catholic with Christian nationalist leanings, has made no secret of his opposition to abortion. At a 2016 anti-abortion gathe…

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Rand Paul’s Messianic Campaign Video Shouts “Yes I Can!”

…eek with the dissemination of “A Different Kind of Republican Leader,” the official Rand Paul campaign trailer. Painting Paul as a kind of superhero—framed against garish red light with a thumping guitar and synth soundtrack—reminiscent of Tony Stark at the end of the first Iron Man movie, declaring the super-robot’s true identity and smirking up a new audience for himself. Paul is decidedly not an enthralling public speaker, but the music and qui…

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Religious Conservatives Mobilize Internationally Against Spanish Nondiscrimination Bill; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…nce of West Java amid renewed fears of crackdown on sexual diversity.” One official told Human Rights Watch, ““It’s not acceptable to have female couples living together. Some have short hair, acting as the males. Some have long hair, acting as the females. It’s against sharia [Islamic law]. It’s obscene.” The group had been renting a shared house in the village of Tugu Jaya, where their cohabitation and “unfeminine” appearance had unsettled conse…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…e who just rejected anti-racist scholarship as unbiblical to pretend that “official” Southern Baptist Christianity has no connection to racism among America’s white Christians, though of course Mohler would deny that either he or Southern Baptist theology is racist. Reflecting a trend that began roughly in early 2018, when discussion of the concept of Christian nationalism as defined by sociologists Andrew Whitehead, Samuel L. Perry, and their col…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…led as something of a geological core indicating the state of the nation’s official martial self-understanding. Sixty years ago, having just authorized secret combat operations in Vietnam, President Kennedy prayed “in the name of those who have fought in this nation’s wars” that “there will be no veterans of any further war—not because all shall have perished but because all shall have learned to live together in peace.” That prayer has gone unans…

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Novak Djokovic, Extraordinary Tennis Player, Ordinary Orthodox Anti-Vaxxer

…njoyed the support of the Serbian Patriarch, the highest-ranking religious official in the country. For those familiar with Orthodox Christianity’s brewing internal conflicts, the Djokovic saga has included an extra dimension: The seeming inability of Orthodoxy’s highest-ranking officials—all of whom agree vaccination is not only permissible, but a moral obligation—to rein in anti-vaccination voices within the Church. It’s a failure that speaks to…

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Police Response in Uvalde Prompts Question: To Serve and Protect Whom?

…ording to two officials.” They “had driven up from the Mexican border, one official said. The official said it was not clear to the federal agents why their team was needed, and why the local SWAT team did not respond.” As I write, the LA Times reports that the kids “begged for police to enter their classroom and save them, repeatedly calling 911, as a team of 19 police officers waited in the corridor for an hour because a commander believed the s…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Genocide Rhetoric Creates a Permission Structure for the Right — But Permission to do What?

…on as a basic form of genocidal rhetoric.” It’s a bad sign when an elected official—any elected official—engages in what scholars of genocide describe as “genocidal rhetoric.” What makes it worse is that Marjorie Taylor Greene is no outlier in her party. Although she’s long been described as the fringe of the GOP, she and others, like Lauren Boebert, have found their way into the mainstream. How can we possibly tell? Well, for one: she has not and…

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Exactly 30 Years Before Illinois AG’s Devastating Sexual Abuse Report, a Plan for Prevention was Implemented, Then Scrapped

…law enforcement authority stresses, each of these men is already listed on official public church websites elsewhere and is deemed “credibly” accused by official church prelates and panels. A distraught Margaret was convinced that much of the horror could have long ago been prevented—or at the very least exposed. She quickly summarized a long-ago and now largely forgotten scandal that took place in Belleville, Illinois, where she lives—a scandal i…

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