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The Problem with Christian Gentlemen: A Short Goodbye to Ted Cruz, the “Mr. Pecksniff” of Presidential Politics

…The naked opportunist who, at the same time, imagines himself to be in the service of the Lord. Almost always a white man. How many of this cast and type has the rest of humanity had to endure for the past few hundred years? Senator Ted Cruz, like Mr. Seth Pecksniff, maintains the utmost horror toward sins of the flesh and the utmost contempt for fleshly sinners like Trump. Any hint of outward disloyalty or dishonesty likewise gives them the great…

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“Excruciatingly Different” Mississippi Religious Lib Law Specifies Beliefs

…pi “religious liberty” law that will soon allow public officials to refuse service to same-sex couples and transgender individuals was hit with two legal challenges last week, one by the ACLU and the other by the Campaign for Southern Equality. Both suits argue the law, HB 1523, violates the constitutional protections laid down by the Supreme Court in last year’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which it clearly does. But it also brazenly violates t…

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Pious White Reformers and Race, Then and Now

…holders (from Mr. Jefferson on down) preyed sexually on the women in their service. Exploitation, yes; amalgamation, never. The voluntary (or involuntary) removal of the Native Americans and the colonization of freed Blacks on the west coast of Africa were the two strategies that eventually found the most favor among white leaders in the young Republic. The fact that many thousands of Native Americans were removed by one means or another has mainl…

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Why I Miss Scalia: SCOTUS Punts on Religious Freedom

…offer any hint as to what magical means the Department of Health and Human Services will deploy to learn which plans aren’t offering contraceptive coverage and whom to contact to let them know their insurer will cover contraception anyway. It seems to envision some form of the “compromise” it suggested in its equally bizarre request for additional briefs after the initial hearing. Under this compromise, the plaintiffs would contract for a plan tha…

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Women Are Leaving Church, And the Reason Seems Clear

…1970s, 36 percent of women and 26 percent of men reported attending church services weekly, a ten-point gap that reflected the long-standing trend of women being more religiously committed than men. The gap reached its widest point in 1982, when it hit 13 percent, but then it began to shrink. By 2012, 22 percent of men reported attending church weekly, as did 28 percent of women, reflecting a “worship gap” of only six percent, an historic low. Pew…

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Same-Sex Marriage May Lead to Polygamy, But So What?

…ery-slope argument against same-sex marriage and polygamy in Religion News Service. Having legalized the one, the other will surely follow. And that is bad—very, very bad according to Sprigg. His position rests on two separate lines of argumentation: the curtailment of freedom of religion and harm to children. Both are rather spurious. Sprigg is still trying to make the case that same-sex marriage is a social ill. It is a social ill that will lead…

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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…hallenge to discriminatory laws Fredrick Nzwili reported for Religion News Service that Rev. Mark Odhiambo, an Anglican priest, earlier this month joined a legal challenge by two gay men and two lesbians to discriminatory laws in the country. “I serve in the city and I have seen many of them facing serious challenges because their sexual orientation does not conform to that of the general society,” said Odhiambo. “They are subjected to all sorts o…

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Brexit Boosters: Why the Religious Right Hates the European Union

…ng the equality of men and women, which the Russian Orthodox Church’s news service called “a serious attempt to exert political pressure on European countries with the aim to destroy the traditional notions of marriage and family and to legalize surrogate motherhood and abortion.” Hildingsson decried those who she said seek to “use the European Union as a lever for exerting pressure on Central and Eastern Europe whose people seek to preserve the a…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…ian and gay pairs to adopt children as a couple.” Israel: Profile of trans servicemember In a week in which the US Defense Department said it is reversing a ban on transgender servicemembers, Karen Ocamb profiles the first openly transgender officer in the Israel Defense Forces. France: Pride parade cut in half due to security concerns Citing security concerns, police have cut in half the length of the Paris pride parade scheduled for Saturday, Ju…

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The Queerness of Christian Ethics: A Conversation with Rev. Elizabeth Edman

…s may welcome you into the pew but never into leadership or other forms of service. You’re calling the church not simply to affirm LGBT people, but to fully accept us. I’m asking the church to dismantle that binary of “us” and “them” that sees anyone coming through the door as an other. My hope would be that [churches] learn to do that not just by trying to understand the queer experience, but that churches that are predominantly white would begin…

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