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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…erceived insults against them and their Prophet? For starters, pick up the latest issues of Time and Newsweek, still the two leading weekly magazines, known to all Americans and read by many—especially in airports. On my flight to Istanbul, Time was available in the first airport lounge, Newsweek in the second. Against a backdrop of shouting mobs, smoke and fire, Time’s headline reads: THE AGENTS OF OUTRAGE An embassy attacked. Diplomats murdered….

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Do Intelligent People Need Religion?

…tically rather than intuitively. David Bentley Hart would disagree. In his latest book, The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss, the Eastern Orthodox theologian argues, instead, that that “the absolutely convinced atheist” is not an uncompromising intellectual, but rather “someone who has failed to notice something very obvious.” And while Zuckerman’s study is rigorously researched, it actually demonstrates Hart’s point: the study gets…

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On National Coming Out Day, Many Still Can’t Afford the Luxury

…ousness of coming out is highlighted in yet another great article from the latest issue of Rolling Stone, in which Alex Morris explores “The Hidden War Against Gay Teens,” chronicling the challenges faced by teenagers at private Christian schools (especially in the South) who can be kicked out for merely admitting they are gay or lesbian.  Those interviewed for the piece recount the horror of being outed against their will and the terrible afterma…

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Just Your Average Teenage Muslim (Shapeshifter) Girl From Jersey

It’s official: Muslims are cool. The latest Muslim superhero in town, Kamala Khan, promises to get people talking about Islam—and not in a bad way. Khan, aka ‘Ms. Marvel,’ isn’t faster than a speeding bullet, but she’s got some pretty nifty powers, including shape shifting, which is something I wish I could do on almost a daily basis. Like all superheroes (and all Muslims these days), Kamala has her share of problems. But instead of a villain or…

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Will Christian Publishers Stand Behind Mars Hill’s Sketchy Legacy?

…ch unearthed examples where Driscoll used material from Peter Jones in his latest book A Call to Resurgence (Tyndale, November 2013) without crediting Jones. Later, she produced evidence that material from Driscoll’s study guide Trial: 8 Witnesses From 1 & 2 Peter (Mars Hill Church, 2009, out of print) contained material from the New Bible Commentary (InterVarsity Press, 1994) that was also used without proper citation. After Mefferd accused Drisc…

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Addressing the Culture War Without Touching the Culture War

…arn how to be consistent and determine how the enlightenment principles it promotes can also apply to religious and secular viewpoints it does not share. But after reading such provocative lines of argumentation, the reader is left wondering what Marsden’s motivations are. The theological justification is clear: Marsden embraces an Augustinian theological outlook in which all humans—regardless of their faith or sexuality—are creatures of God who s…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…ial dishes for offering to deities,” while modern varieties, the only kind promoted by the government, “are considered ‘impure’ for socio-cultural and religious ceremonies.” Faced with a soaring rate of Diabetes caused by the abandonment of traditional foods for “white” food products, the Tohono O’odham of the Sonora Desert have organized through communal institutions to support a return to their nearly extinct thousand-year-old former diet, write…

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Contraception: 1; Notre Dame: 0

…tholics themselves?   I’ll get back to this question below, but first: the latest news from the fight against contraception. A federal appeals court has ruled that Notre Dame, one of the most recognizably “Catholic” of Catholic universities, must provide free contraception under its health plan. Apparently requiring the Fighting Irish to provide birth control doesn’t have the same resonance as asking cute elderly nuns in habits to do so.   That’s…

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Hobby Lobby Case Isn’t Really About Contraception

…r scientific understanding of ECPs has undercut even these objections. The latest evidence says that Plan B, which accounted for 99 percent of the market in 2012, doesn’t affect implantation at all—if it fails to prevent ovulation it doesn’t work. In 2010, Health Progress, the Catholic Health Association’s own journal, admitted that Plan B “is not an abortifacient.” Ella, a newer ECP that can prevent pregnancy for up to five days after uncontracep…

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Evolution Debunked by I.D. of Bin Laden’s Body

…bin Laden to coincide with the release of Discovery fellow Jonathan Wells’ latest book, The Myth of Junk DNA. OK, Klinghoffer is kidding on that part. It’s what we in the news biz like to call, “a news hook.” But here’s where he gets serious: How do you think OBL’s body was identified? By a comparison with his sister’s DNA, evidently those non-coding regions singled out by Darwin defenders, among the pantheon of other mythological evolutionary ico…

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