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Jack Ryan Uses Bible to Exonerate Wall Street, CIA

…ountability for the 2008 crash and the increasing disparity that followed. Compare, for instance, JPMorgan’s reward to Jamie Dimon of $20 million in 2013 with Barack Obama’s 2014 aspiration to raise the minimum wage to just $10.10/hour ($21,000 a year, working full time with no vacation). Instead of facing this disparity and Wall Street’s role in economic hardship, Jack Ryan imagines economic threats coming from outside the nation. Put another way…

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New Study: Three-Quarters of American Giving Goes to Religion

…m coverage.) Probably the most notable statistics, though, are those which compare religious and non-religious philanthropy. Religion is supposed to make us better people, which includes, I assume, being more generous. So, is it the case that religious people give more generously than the non-religious? Well, yes and no. Remember that statistic, that 65% of religious people donate to charity? The non-religious figure is 56%. But according to the s…

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Reza Aslan’s Missed Opportunity

…nities in which I participate, my Facebook newsfeed has a disproportionate number of people who are both passionately liberal and deeply religious. So it didn’t take very long—especially on a Sunday, when what else should a person do besides post videos on Facebook?—for this interview to spread like wildfire. The video was shared with the headline “The Most Embarrassing Interview Fox News Has Ever Done,” and was, in my newsfeed, invariably accompa…

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Personhood Leaders’ Smear Campaign Debunked

…ff, and himself. “So how this person, who’s an anti-abortion activist, can compare what’s happened to him to this other 40 years is quite absurd.” Just today, in a RenewAmerica column titled “Violence against pro-lifers: evil and predictable,” Judie Brown of American Life League writes that, “It is not only sad, but terrifying, that there are people today who would get so enraged with those who are pro-life that they would attempt to frighten or e…

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Can Anti-Mormon Prejudice be Compared to Anti-Black Racism?

…ormons would add a new wrinkle to the analysis.) Analytically, just by the numbers, just for the fact of being born black, a child is statistically more likely to experience poverty, lack of access to health care, lower rates of college education, higher rates of incarceration, worse health outcomes, and death at a younger age than a child born white. Can the same be said of the life chances of a child born into a Mormon family compared to those o…

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Auditor Calls ‘Gay Parenting’ Study ‘Bullshit’

…from the beginning. “It’s like he took a group of men who never smoked and compared them with a group of women who smoked three packs a day,” he says. “Then he checked lung cancer rates. And he concluded that being a woman puts you at greater risk for lung cancer.” Among the intriguing notions in Bartlett’s article is the idea that Social Science Research editor James Wright was caught up in the certainty that the article would be controversial an…

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Romney Credits “Culture,” “Hand of Providence” for Israel’s Economic Superiority over Palestinians

…DP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality,” the Republican presidential candidate told about 40 wealthy donors who breakfasted around a U-shaped table at the luxurious King David Hotel. The economic disparity betw…

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Two Massacres and the Virtual Transformation of Trauma

…utrage at what was happening on Facebook, Twitter, and Sikh mailing lists. Compare this to what happened over 25 years ago. In November of 1984 more than 3,000 Sikhs were killed in the capital city of India and adjoining areas, in violence that was backed by members of the ruling political party. The only sound that was heard in the aftermath of 1984 was the sound of state silence and denial. The organized Sikh genocide was dismissed as spontaneou…

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‘Let It Be Unto Me’: Akin, Rape, and the Early Church

…late Roman theologian Augustine. I hasten to say that I would not want to compare Akin in any general way to Augustine, who was a brilliant theologian and writer, accolades I would not by any means assign to Akin! The comparison I have in mind is quite specific, and that is Augustine’s discussion at the very beginning of his famous work City of God of the rape of Lucretia, a traditional Roman tale that he revisits in the context of real or antici…

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Forget Debates and Dialogue about LGBT Justice, the Religious Right isn’t Listening

…e consequences of the “militant homosexual agenda.” What happened there? I compare it to the Nazis creating a solution for the Jews. These guys literally crafted a solution to the homosexual problem. The record of that conference, which was very secretive, wasn’t even released to the press. Somebody recorded it and it ended up at Tufts University library and a couple of lesbians found it there. So we uncovered this radical piece of history where l…

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