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Why Taxing the Rich is the Godly Thing

…mpounds the injuries of a massive injustice to remain silent—that the only way forward is by breaking open the pretenses and presumptions of the powerful. Sin takes many forms. Sometimes sin arises from failing to know the things that we ought to know. But more often, and especially in regard to social sins, the transgression comes from knowing full well what we need to know and still pretending that we don’t know.  In this case we do know full we…

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Dylann Roof Was Wrong: The Race War Isn’t Coming, It’s Here

…on the land and at the bodies of indigenous peoples clearing and killing away all that it deemed counterproductive. It also worked on immigrant bodies killing and clearing away all that could not be turned completely into whiteness. Whiteness—that form of life that is also a way of seeing life—emerged not as a fixed identity but as a striving, a goal to be accomplished, and for many an achievement to be celebrated. But not everyone has achieved t…

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Churches Can No Longer Hide the Truth: Daniel Dennett on the New Transparency

…uals and practices, modes of being. Is the Clergy Project itself perhaps a way for atheists to do more than just talk about belief and non-belief? “Daniel Dennett 2” by Dmitry Rozhkov – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons My own view is that we ought to pay attention very closely, gather as much evidence as we can, take advantage of the new transparency: learn, learn, learn, and in turn inform, inform, inform. Get the infor…

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Lindsey Graham’s Lying “Eye-ranians”

…rd is a real American, because Bill Gates is American. Those of you using iPhones, by the way, are probably Iranians and should be detained or deported. Because Steve Jobs was part Syrian, and Syria is part Iranian, which means your iPhone auto-correct is lying to you. Come to think of it, how do we know Lindsey Graham is not lying to us? How do we know Lindsey Graham’s not an Iranian? What if he’s the Manchurian—or should I say Mazandaranian!—can…

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Want a Slurpee with Your Birth Control?

…ce?” It’s one of the bishops’ favorite arguments: that birth control is so cheap and so widely available that it isn’t even a question of whether the religious freedom of objecting organizations should be burdened by having to pay for it. The bishops have been claiming since 2012 that birth control is “ubiquitous and inexpensive” and anyone who wants it can get it without insurance coverage for $10 at Target. And as usual, bishops’ allies on the r…

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Want a Slurpee with Your Birth Control?

…e?”  It’s one of the bishops’ favorite arguments: that birth control is so cheap and so widely available that it isn’t even a question of whether the religious freedom of objecting organizations should be burdened by having to pay for it. The bishops have been claiming since 2012 that birth control is “ubiquitous and inexpensive” and anyone who wants it can get it without insurance coverage for $10 at Target. And as usual, bishops’ allies on the r…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…s currently featured by elements of the conservative movement, “is in many ways,” he stresses, “the signature feature of fascism.” An authentic, broad-based fascist movement is not here yet, he avers, though he warns that eliminationist rhetoric is not unlike “the distinct odor of burning flesh. And when it hits our nostrils, we dare not ignore the warning.” Neiwert guides us through some of the current thinking about the definition of fascism, an…

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Gay Black Church: An Interview with Bishop Yvette Flunder

…en in the sight of God, could ever be equal. Because the idea goes all the way into eternal life. The way they taught it to the slaves was that baptism frees, say, a white woman from any vestiges of being outside of the ark of safety. She can be fully baptized into the church, but I can’t be fully baptized—not into the same status. And that is because there is something intrinsically subservient, or substandard about me. What were the particulars…

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By the Way: Religious Right Losing its Grip?

…lics took note. Obama has staked out the rather sensible position that the way to diminish the number of abortions is not to legislate against the practice, which almost certainly will create a huge backlash and arguably represents an infringement of liberties. The way to diminish the incidence of abortion, he counters, is to diminish demand through sex education and the availability of contraceptives. The only way truly to bring about meaningful…

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