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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…lm festival to cancel the event after death and arson threats were made by phone and social media. According to Reuter’s Makini Brice, “A senator added to the pressure to cancel the Massimadi festival, saying it would promote homosexuality and that impoverished Haiti had other priorities.” Australia: Poll confirms majority support for marriage equality, rejection of plebiscite A new poll released this week that most Australians support marriage eq…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…ricans who have spoken on behalf of human rights and equality, including a number of religious figures:  Bishop Christopher Senyonjo of Uganda;  Cardinal Peter Iodwo Appiah Turkoson of Ghana, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; and James Tengatenga, former Anglican Bishop for Southern Malawi. Channel 4 has reported on the challenges facing LGBT Africans seeking asylum in the U.K. Vatican: Is there a Pro-LGBT ‘Francis Effect’…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…sphere will reveal that the current electronic chatter about Arun Gandhi’s Washington Post article is being conducted on the level of sound bites, accusations, and name-calling. Some of this is certainly due to the nature of electronic communication—the swiftness of email does not encourage careful deliberation. Arun Gandhi has admitted that his Washington Post article was written in a hurry while he was leading an American group on a tour of “Gan…

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Win For ‘Natural Family’ Crowd at UN Human Rights Council…

…ex Marriage Prohibition Act when he met with President Muhammadu Buhari in Washington, D.C. The law, which was signed by Buhari’s predecessor and imposes harsh criminal penalties for same-sex conduct, has sparked violence against LGBT individuals. Buhari did not address the issue in his public remarks. Poland: Transgender rights bill advances A transgender rights bill that would allow trans people to legally change their gender without medical int…

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The Nation of Islam at the End of the Apocalyptic Age?

…tion’s influence,” said Walters. Walters remembers Farrakhan speaking at a Washington DC convention center to a packed house. A Washington Post reporter was taken aback that Farrakhan had come to town without the newspaper knowing about it, and that without any mainstream media coverage, the speech attracted such high attendance. “(Farrakhan) is one of the few members of our community who could fill a convention center on a whisper campaign,” Walt…

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No Buddhists in Washington?

The “Religious Literacy Dictionary” in Stephen Prothero’s 2007 bestseller, Religious Literacy, devotes less than two pages to “Buddhism,” but spends seven lines making the point that “Buddhists have not been particularly active in American politics.” This notion, accurate or not, is probably the perception of most Americans, many of whom have little real awareness of the 2,500-year-old tradition to begin with. It may also explain why President Ob…

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Global LGBT Recap: Mandela and Equality; Elton John Defies Russian Ban; Fake-Healing of AIDS

…ly with Russia’s increasingly anti-gay policies. Two days earlier, also in Washington, National Security Adviser Susan Rice told participants in Human Rights First’s Human Rights Summit that promoting the rights of LGBT people is an integral part of U.S. foreign policy. And in New York City on Tuesday, December 10, International Human Rights Day, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power met with an international group of LGBT rights ac…

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Rev. Smith Goes to Washington

…ians are right-wing fundamentalists, but I also recognize that for a small number of people my beliefs disqualify me as a candidate. Two recent examples come to mind that illustrate the concerns that have been voiced. At a recent candidate forum, I was introduced as being a “moral figure in the community.” That prompted one of the other candidates to ask me directly during the Q & A part of the forum if I felt that atheists or other non-believers…

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Evangelical PR Blitz Before Midterms Won’t Fix the ‘81% Problem’

…the Times‘ executive editor told NPR: “I think that the New York-based and Washington-based too probably, media powerhouses don’t quite get religion.” The problem is that efforts to better understand evangelicals all too often manifest as a reluctance to be critical and a failure to include the perspectives of both exvangelicals and policy researchers, both of whom are knowledgeable and have legitimate concerns about widespread evangelical tendenc…

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Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It

…tails ties to the Reichsbürger milieu. Experts attribute the stark rise in numbers to a heightened awareness and the agencies’ attempts to reduce the number of unreported cases. The conservative Minister of the interior of the previous Merkel administration, Horst Seehofer, had always refused to conduct a study of right-wing sentiments in the police and military, in spite of the warnings of social scientists who urged him to commission one. For ye…

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