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‘Hardwired’ for Hetero Marriage, LDS Tension Mounts Over LGBT Rights

…issues”—and to a place where conscience compelled him to ensure that most American workplaces had protections for LGBT workers his own Church did not offer its employees.  The complexity of Senator Reid’s own position suggests that as it turns out—twentieth-century LDS bureaucratic branding efforts notwithstanding—Mormons are actually subject to the same kinds of growth and conflict as every other people of faith, even if they tend to manage thos…

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Free Arabs: Satire, Disobedience, and Disclaimers

…vacuous logic of fatwas, or legal pronouncements. Episode titles include: “Contact Lenses: Forbidden!” and the inscrutable, “About Using Carrots.”  The skits are based on real fatwa texts issued by ‘questionable’ scholars. Each video is preceded by a disclaimer that the series does not mock Islam but exposes Muslim clerics “who are prone to criticism.” And the video is then followed by links to the original texts of the fatwas. Obviously, the seri…

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Stop Debunking Climate Change Deniers

…gs tend to form and reinforce beliefs in a communal way. And it’s personal contact that changes minds, not just good ideas. Diplomacy, in other words, might be a lot more effective than debunking. “Sometimes democracy is less a matter of thinking well,” Shulevitz writes, “than of choosing your friends wisely.” In that diplomatic spirit, there’s a whole movement of thinkers devoted to environmental theology, and other reconciliations between enviro…

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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…hours with them on the phone. Then, after Jesus was a no-show, I stayed in contact with them—the ones who would talk to me, anyway—over the following days and months, checking back in to see how or if their thinking had changed. I learned a lot about the seductive power of radical belief, the inscrutable vagaries of biblical interpretation, and how our minds can shape reality to fit a narrative. I also learned that you don’t have to be nuts to bel…

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Students at Conservative Catholic College Speak After Sudden Cancellation of Pro-Gay Speaker

…fact” in the statement) and that it would thus be cancelled. Lena did not contact Corvino, who only learned of the event’s cancellation when Christopher Arroyo, who helped organize the event, e-mailed him.  On Wednesday, facing national outcry, Lena released another statement, announcing that Corvino’s speaking engagement had simply been “rescheduled” for the spring. They’ve also taken steps to ensure this never happens again by requiring that th…

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From Pastor to Harvard’s ‘Godless Church’ Planter

…ssional atheist, subsequently serving as the Public Relations Director for American Atheists and Executive Director for the Humanists of Florida. Recently, however, she moved to the Cambridge area to become Director of the Humanist Community Project (HCP), an initiative of Harvard’s Humanist Community. With a staff of six full-time and five part-time chaplains—including an African-American Southern Baptist and two fellows from the Netherlands—the…

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Christian-Bashing Air Force Officer Story is Just That

…who bothered to reach out to Colleen McGee, the military public relations contact on this issue, would have figured this out. But when I called her, I learned that I was only the fourth reporter to do so. “Normally, for a story like this, I’d expect about forty calls,” said McGee. McGee cleared up some basic facts: first of all, Phillip Monk was not “officially fired”; rather, he was transferred back to his field (medicine), a transfer he had bee…

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California Inmates Protest the Abuse of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

…there were a handful of control units across the country, according to the American Friends Service Committee. Today an estimated 44 states have supermax facilities, and “[as with the overall prison population, people of color are disproportionately represented in isolation units.” “In California, roughly 90 percent of the individuals in the Security Housing Units are people of color,” said Markle Downton. “For people of faith, for people of consc…

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Should NASA Have Given $1.1 Million to a Theology Institute?

…itics/society/the economy/religion/etc. if NASA announced that it had made contact with an alien civilization, or at least had found some fossilized microbes on Mars? Other question are theory-oriented: how does the possibility of extraterrestrial life force people to think differently about sentience, human worth, the importance of Earth, or God? NASA seems to think these are serious concerns. “Astrobiology is expected to play a large part in fut…

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Why I Miss Scalia: SCOTUS Punts on Religious Freedom

…oy to learn which plans aren’t offering contraceptive coverage and whom to contact to let them know their insurer will cover contraception anyway. It seems to envision some form of the “compromise” it suggested in its equally bizarre request for additional briefs after the initial hearing. Under this compromise, the plaintiffs would contract for a plan that didn’t provide contraceptive coverage in the first place, which suggests that the Little Si…

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