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Religious Right Very Much Alive in Tomorrow’s Elections

…reme Court legalization of contraceptive use by married couples was “illogical,” and called for policy favoritism for married couples over “cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.” Yet, in no small part aided by Deeds’ ineffectiveness, McDonnell has managed to downplay the culture war issues and portray himself as the reasonable technocrat who will solve Virginia’s fiscal and transportation problems. Fox News today gleefully predicts a landslide…

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Conservatives Stoke Fear of Fifth Column

…when the members of Congress, led by Rep. Sue Myrick, and the Clarion Fund called for an investigation of CAIR based on the charges made in Muslim Mafia, I wrote: CAIR and numerous other Muslim organizations were identified as unindicted co-conspirators in a case the United States brought against the Holy Land Foundation, which earlier this year was found guilty of illegally financing Hamas. In 2008, the government introduced a document as an exhi…

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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…ce—like “Indian”—not my choice, but the alternatives for the sake of political correctness do not have the same power or panache. This year, while most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, we will celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the occupation of Alcatraz Island by Indian militants—around the time the term was coined. I was too young at the time, but supported those making the ironic statement about the quality of our own lands “given” to our a…

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Healed of the Sin of Religion: At Church with Sara Miles

…d the role of church. As she tells it in her memoir Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion, it was an offering of food and drink, communion, that knocked her sideways, led her—secular, gay, worldly—to join the welcoming congregation at St. Gregory’s, found a food pantry, and get baptized. In that order. The theology Miles develops in her newest book, Jesus Freak: Feeding, Healing, Raising the Dead, evoked in stories of her own conversion and of the…

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Catholic Charities Cuts Off Health Insurance To Employees’ Spouses in DC

…orm, and those other groups just wanted to kill it altogether. The bishops call for “a truly universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity,” framing access to health care (but not all reproductive health services) as an essential human right. Catholic Charities’ abandonment of children and exclusion of all new spouses of employees from its own health insurance plan shows that “truly universal” has a very particular meaning to the…

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Updated with Response: The Black Church is Dead—Long Live the Black Church

…doing so, black churches will rise again and insist that we all assert ourselves on the national stage not as sycophants to a glorious past, but as witnesses to the ongoing revelation of God’s love in the here and now as we work on behalf of those who suffer most. RD asked a selection of historians, religious scholars, and other interpreters of the black church to respond to Glaude’s thesis, and to his challenge. Following is a set of comments an…

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A Tea Party Leader Hates Christians

…of Karl Marx,” was incensed that the United Methodist Building (known to locals as “the God box”) on Capitol Hill had a sign supporting the DREAM Act. (h/t Religion News Service). “After all,” Phillips adds, “what can you say about a church that considers Hillary Clinton to be a member in good standing?” Phillips goes on to call the church “the religious arm of socialism” because it supports “illegal immigration” and “socialist health care;” in su…

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Frank Gaffney Appointed to Clarion Fund Board

…eat of shari’ah law, and who has been frozen out of the Conservative Political Action Conference because, a Muslim board member of the American Conservative Union says, he is a “crazy bigot.” But while CPAC appears to have shunned Gaffney, the Clarion Fund lauds the credentials of his new advisory board. In a statement, the organization’s founder Raphael Shore said, “Our advisory board members are highly respected experts in issues of national sec…

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Drop that Candy Bar, Pagan!

Pat Robertson isn’t the only evangelical leader who frets about all the kids dressing up in satanic garb for Halloween, or as he calls it, the “festival of the Devil.” Mission America’s Linda Harvey recently argued that the holiday’s satanic origins explain its appeal to “the LGBT world.” Here are a few options religious right leaders would like you to consider. Jesusween. The folks at are hoping to turn Halloween into a “Christ…

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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

…ic formulation may be found in the thought of a 12th-century theologian, Anselm of Canterbury. As a medieval figure, Anselm was obviously familiar with honor systems. Not hard to see why he would imagine God’s honor being offended and the necessity of “giving satisfaction” somehow. The Reformers would later throw out a lot of the old stuff, but not this. John Calvin in particular did his own extensive riffs on substitutionary atonement.  Penal sub…

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