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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…answers!” Protestors rallying against plans to build a mosque in Temecula, California brought their dogs to the rally outside the Islamic center’s current industrial park location because, as they put it, “Muslims hate dogs.” Three out of 4 Sunni schools of jurisprudence consider dogs to be ritually impure. Islam might not be a religion according to Tennessee Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey. However, Apple is a religion according to two professors…

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Gay Marriage Opponents Running on Empty

…We had African American faith leaders from 4 different counties in the state along with Latinos and Anglos. This really is a big tent movement. The poll released last week from Public Religion Research Institute showing growing acceptance among people of faith for marriage equality in California along with national polls that have shown at least 65 percent of Americans support civil unions or full marriage equality would seem to spell trouble for…

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Romney Campaign to Surrender Evangelicals in 2012

…s faith entirely as well as a renewed focus (taking a page from his friend California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s playbook) on emphasizing Romney’s can-do know-how as a successful businessman. Romney’s December 2007 George Bush Presidential Library address—billed by his campaign as a major statement on faith and public life—tellingly skirted the hot topic of his Mormonism almost completely. His recent book No Apology: The Case for Americ…

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The Endurance Of Christian Reconstructionism

…of Huckabee in 2008 — is now running for Congress in the 37th district of California, and hopes to “have the opportunity to share my ideas inside the Congressional Black Caucus” about how the country is sliding towards socialism. Parker — who is an admirer of Christian Reconstructionism founder R.J. Rushdoony — recently gave an interview to the John Birch Society, which during the Kennedy administration insisted that proposed civil rights laws we…

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Are Conservatives Really More in Touch with the Founding Fathers?

…s. One pastor I spoke with stated that the legalization of gay marriage in California by “activist courts” betrayed the will and intention of the founders, who were “moral” and “religious” men. Cleon Skousen, whose “originalist” views of the US Constitution have been tremendously influential on Glenn Beck and his followers, also encourages contemporary conservatives to assume an identity between their moral worldviews and those of the founders. Wh…

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Supreme Court: Law School Christian Group Can’t Exclude Gays

…from the attempt by the Christian Legal Society (CLS) at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law to become a fully funded and recognized student group on campus. As Sarah Posner reported here in April, “CLS, which requires members and those wishing to hold leadership positions in the club to be professing Christians and to disavow ‘unrepentant participation in or advocacy of a sexually immoral lifestyle,‘” was refused an exemption f…

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8: The Mormon Proposition Gets It Right

…one look at my wild, puffy eyes during fall 2008 and would say—trying to be comforting—“I know, I know, the evangelicals are at it too” or “don’t worry, there just aren’t that many of you Mormons in California.”   Ignorance.   It is precisely this kind of insularity and ignorance that a progressive public conversation about religion must confront and, finally, demolish….

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Religion Reporting as Therapy? Praying for Help with Budget Crisis…

…help scientists get religion (or is it get scientists with religion?). In California, the budget woes are bridging religious difference. Leaders from 10 different faiths joined together to ask for divine intervention in the budget crisis. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Dodgers are relying on ‘V energy’ to try and make a run at the MLB playoffs. They recently hired a spiritual healer and scientist to bring the team positive energy that will improve pe…

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Prop 8 Closing Arguments Turn on Tradition

…op 8 closing arguments. Those arguing to keep same-sex marriage illegal in California are like old Naboth—arguing from worn traditions that a growing number of people find ridiculous—if not quaint. A case in point: attorney Charles Cooper, arguing in support of Proposition 8 for the Alliance Defense Fund, who made his entire closing argument from tradition. He told the judge that marriage is intended for procreation and specifically for the contro…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…d North Dakota) reported the highest fear of social stigma. States such as California, Washington, New York, and New England states reported the least. (Unfortunately, the article is not available online.) I can’t say I’m really all that surprised at the results. If anyone needs anecdotal confirmation, remember NFL linebacker Pat Tillman, who walked away from his successful football career to join the Army after Sept. 11 and was killed by friendly…

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