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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…are protesting the coronavirus risks of Feucht’s LA event—in particular a pair of “outreaches” in Skid Row and Echo Park (outdoor masked, distanced worship services are now legal in California, but, as noted earlier, Feucht’s events have tended to be maskless and crowded). The California Poor People’s Campaign sent a legal letter to local officials asking them to halt the event, and a coalition of Skid Row advocates, dubbed the Resistance against…

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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…oners about “the profile of the candidate for whom they should vote” in May 15 elections. Israel: Jerusalem’s taboo-busting gay bar attracts diverse crowd Eitan Arom at the Jewish News Service profiles Jerusalem’s only remaining gay bar: If any city needs a nonjudgmental space, it’s Jerusalem. Both sides of Israel’s capital—the Muslim eastern half and the Jewish western half—have in common large numbers of socially conservative residents who look…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…ation and any other missionary effort? First, there’s a difference between spirituality and religion. I think spirituality is universal. Anybody can practice spirituality, with or without religious belief. I don’t really care about Buddhism, but I care tremendously about dharma, which is defined as universal law. I care especially about the aspects of universal law relating to suffering and liberation from suffering. They’re everywhere. I’m not tr…

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It’s Not About Cake: Anti-Gay Vendors Want a Constitutional Right to Discriminate

…ion to wedding service-providers like bakeries and florists, dress-shops, hair salons, and “any number” of other businesses could claim that their services are in fact a form of constitutionally protected artistic practice. “The claim at issue here sounds as if the business can put up a sign in its window that says, ‘We sell cakes for heterosexuals only,’” Melling explained, taking ADF’s logic to its natural conclusion. “There’s an immediate conse…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…ook anything about Trump—the avarice; the divisive, cruel rhetoric; the affairs and divorces—in service of getting a candidate in the White House who has promised to appoint someone to the Supreme Court, “as close to Scalia as I could find.” This, presumably, would unleash some new conservative Golden Age and make genuflection before the Trump idol worthwhile. Catholics, on the other hand, even the more conservative-leaning culture warriors, appea…

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After More Mass Shootings It’s Time to Call Out White Supremacy in the Pews

…ry “thoughts and prayers” pronouncements, nor the words spoken at memorial services over the next days and weeks. Of course as a pastor I’m aware that words of consolation are appropriate and necessary at a time like this. But if actual truth-telling isn’t also appropriate now, I don’t know when it will be. American violence doesn’t emerge from thin air. It has a very specific pedigree in the failed project known as whiteness, with a strong assist…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…s making the point about people being silent when bad ideologies are given airplay in society – of course gay marriage isn’t like the Holocaust, but what is similar is the silence in 1930s Germany and the inability of good people to confront bad ideologies. “How did good people go along with something as extreme as Nazism when it resulted in such a catastrophe? Ukraine: Right-wing nationalists threaten “bloodbath” at upcoming LGBT march According…

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Conservative Christianity and Its Discontents

…lical university in the world), where students are taught that the earth is 10,000 years old. Millions of evangelical youth grow up hearing that there is a real debate when it comes to human origins. They also come to learn that homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle choice that can be repaired with prayer. They are taught that secular historians are suppressing the vision of the Founding Fathers and that America was supposed to be a Christian nation…

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The Internet Is Not Killing Religion, Religion is Killing Religion

…e United States grew in population, global prestige, and wealth. Writing in 1910 about The Spiritual Unrest that characterized the country, muckraking journalist Ray Stannard Baker lamented: Not only have the working classes become alienated from the churches, especially from the Protestant churches, but a very large proportion of well-to-do men and women who belong to the so-called cultured class have lost touch with church work. Some retain a me…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…ed by the Israeli military into Gaza have been responsible for the death of 108 Palestinians, of which 15 where women or children, and the injury of 468 Palestinians, of which 143 where women or children. The methods by which these causalities were inflicted by Israeli projectiles breaks down as follows: 57 percent, or 310, were caused by Israeli aircraft missile fire; 28 percent, or 150, where from Israeli live ammunition; 11 percent, or 59, were…

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