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Aliens, Nanobots, & Microbes: The Science of Secular Apocalypse

…rom a non-religious perspective. His outlook is grim. Nature is dangerous. New technologies are creating even more vectors for disaster. And some apocalypse-minded religious groups, Torres argues, might harness those new technologies in order to manufacture their own end-of-days. Plus, there could be aliens. While reading The End, I spent a lot of time wondering whether Torres was prescient or nuts. Much to his credit,Torres is happy to discuss bo…

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Meet the New Christian Right, Same as the Old Christian Right

…ave suffered a string of defeats in recent years, potentially reigniting culture wars that many liberals had hoped were all but over. It may not be your father’s Christian right, with new players and new tactics, but it’s still the Christian right and it is more empowered than its been since the glory days of Ronald Reagan….

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Meet the New (Straight White American Male) Mormon President

…peaks directly to God,” be updated each time the church gets a new president? At least Russell M. Nelson has the same cadence as Thomas S. Monson, so the transition to new lyrics should be about as seamless as the transition to a new straight white American male LDS president….

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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…ia and its head, Pope Benedict, have not been able to stem the tide of the news cycle about the sexual abuse scandal, nor has the biggest newsmaker in the scandal used media effectively to convey a coherent message to Catholics that is sincere, contrite, and constructive. Even more disturbing is the eagerness to use media in order to evangelize, while demonizing legitimate reporting on the sexual abuse stories. In late April, it was revealed that…

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Is Zionism No Longer Able to Offer Solutions to the Present Reality?

…it enables liberal Zionists to remain “troubled and yet committed.” Not a new reality, a new story What Hartman is trying to do in his essay is make liberal Zionists relevant again; to make them part of a conversation that now largely excludes them. He argues that liberal Zionists should simply ignore the anti-Zionist “untroubled uncommitted.” While I disagree with his assessment that much of that group traffics in antisemitism (certainly some do…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…of his family — a cousin attempting to curry favour with his new masters — betrayed him to the militants. Such betrayals are common. The attitude now if you are gay and trapped inside is ‘trust nobody’,” says Elmo. “Not your mother, nor your closest friend. The only difference between all the factions is that some will torture you before they kill you if you are outed and caught.” Among those McDougall interviews are young people fleeing across th…

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The Revolution Will Be Whispered: An Excerpt From Everywhere a Guest, Nowhere at Home: A New Vision of Israel and Palestine

…st movement, Hashomer Hatzair. The people there believed in egalitarianism between women and men and had always argued for the existence of a binational state. The disagreement between the girls about whether they should build villages or collective farms has been their first disagreement, easily enough resolved when it occurs to them that they can have both types of settlement; they can be each other’s near neighbors and sleep over at each other’…

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The Revelation of Kurt Andersen: With ‘Evil Geniuses’ a Media Mandarin Discovers Plutocracy

…st ambitions in completely undoing the premises and core principles of the New Deal and the postwar social compact. They accomplished this feat in just 30 years of concerted effort. Andersen shows us how they did it through sins of commission but also sins of omission: quietly declining to renew key regulatory provisions, dropping cost-of-living indexing for recipients of various public benefits, letting the real value of the federal minimum wage…

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Global LGBT Recap: Francis’s First Year; Homophobia and Development; African Activists Push Back

…anti-religion ethos.’” Netherlands: Former Right-Wing Politician Launches New Islamic Party  According to news reports, “Arnoud van Doorn, a former far-right Dutch politician and a former friend of notorious anti-Muslim propagandist Geert Wilders, but later accepted Islam and became a Muslim, has announced his plans to launch a new Islamic party in his native Holland.” The Islamic Party for Unity will be contending for three seats in the upcoming…

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‘No Room’ for Gays in Country that Worships God [Kenya] | Churches Fight to Keep Sexuality Out of Sex Ed [S. Korea] | Global LGBT Recap

…s. The Ministry of Education began training district education officers on new sex education guidelines that “exclude any mention of homosexuality or sexual minorities.” The new policy contradicts South Korea’s support for Human Rights Council resolutions calling for an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. South Korea has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention to Eliminate all forms of…

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