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Fascinating History of Search for “Lost White Tribe” Sheds Light on Construction of Race

…diverse. Maybe these explorers did see people whom a modern American would code as white. Maybe not. As Robinson demonstrates in The Lost White Tribe, the better questions here have to do with the interpretation of bodies, not just with the bodies themselves. Basically: why were European and American adventurers so eager to find these far-flung white tribes in the first place? And they were eager. Reports of white Indians and white Africans made h…

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The “Nones” Are Here… And Have Been for Over 100 Years

…r others like him, the question of the day was similar to ones being asked today: Can this flight from the churches be stopped? Chubb feared that these wayfarers on the frontier would “become individualists and isolationists so far as religion is concerned, each ‘going it alone.’” Chubb’s words, so similar to Robert Putnam’s “bowling alone,” resonate clearly today, and they offer a warning to those who bemoan what such high numbers of “nones” mean…

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…he credit card number of some eight-five million men, most of whom live in Egypt.   ⬆ Earlier on this day, I saw a South Asian gentleman crossing an eight-lane highway while drinking a cup of tea out of a white ceramic mug. He took his time, pausing between lanes to let cars whiz by (at roughly 70 miles per hour) and took measured sips to pass the time, enjoying his hot and fresh caffeinated beverage, which no South Asian can survive without. I sa…

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Bibi’s Bad History

…d, in fact, was in favor of returning the West Bank and Gaza to Jordon and Egypt after 1967. Menachem Begin was a member of a terror organization and a firm believer in Greater Israel. Yet he made peace with Sadat (Sadat was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood yet he made peace with Israel). Yizhak Rabin said of the Palestinians, “we will break their bones,” yet shook Arafat’s hand and implemented Oslo. Ehud Barak was part of a clandestine army uni…

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Religion Comes to its Senses

…ial to death, and a celebration of possibility in traditions from China to Egypt to Ethiopia. Bread is ritually important in a Judeo-Christian context, but not in Asian religious traditions; and its non-universality, writes Plate, makes bread like religion: “It has some basic ingredients…and serves certain purposes…but when we get down to the nitty-gritty of it, the similarities between traditions can be difficult to sniff out.” Telling the histor…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…what makes it an elite affair. The Tea Party was able to scoop up a lot of free-floating resentment and direct it against taxation and the social safety net. It’s true, however, that some of this resentment appears to be truly populist in spirit. If so, it is unlikely to sit well with the funding structure of the organization. Obama employed the rhetoric of grassroots democracy during his campaign for the presidency, and his political apparatus is…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…the question of how money and spiritual meaning ought to come together in today’s economy. When I asked if, for people of faith, capitalism offered ethical mechanisms for addressing the needs of the world, Jones played straight down the middle: “If by ‘capitalism’ you mean a method of using for-profit business as an efficient means of allocating resources that can move faster and more nimbly than non-profits or government, we’re all about that.”…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…ported along a major ancient near-eastern thoroughfare from Mesopotamia to Egypt. The one mention in the New Testament can be found in that most cryptic of texts, Revelation, and that one reference is none too clear, only suggesting a gathering of kings for the purposes of battle “at the place that in Hebrew is called Harmagedon” (Rev 16:16, NRSV). But Americans love apocalypses, so in the hands of late nineteenth and early twentieth century pre-m…

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Tibet is Burning: Is the Freedom Movement Entering a New Phase?

…und the world and Tibet is no exception. If things could change so fast in Egypt or in Libya, then why not Tibet? Even as China has been clearly intensifying its crackdown on religion, Tibetans are ramping up their campaign to raise awareness and bring attention to their predicament. And of course, the participation of monks and nuns in freedom movements is not new—the peaceful ‘Shangri-La’ image of Tibetan monks belies a history of many armed str…

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Arab Spring: Countering the Naysayers

…epreneurship include organizations mobilizing against sexual harassment in Egypt, local citizen councils that are filling the vacuum left by the Syrian regime in cities liberated by the opposition, artistic collectives bringing beauty to the streets of Yemen, and Tunisian startups revolutionizing the green energy industry. Through these and other groups in the region, individuals have invested themselves in bettering their societies. They have ref…

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