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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…gian Eliezer Berkovitz put it even more succinctly: Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism. Behind these refutations was the bloody history of European Christian persecution of Jews. In a 1963 lecture to German theologians, Richard Rubinstein noted that “for almost 2000 years an honest Judeo-Christian encounter was all but impossible in Europe… Only in modern times has a begin…

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Confession Fail: iPhone App Controversy Muddies the Sacramental Waters

…nfession with a priest. However, it has seemed easy enough for the average user to misunderstand the developers’ intention that the app be used as an incentive to go to church. Indeed, enough that Vatican officials were moved to issue a statement yesterday making clear that use of the Confession app—or any technological devise—cannot substitute for the sacrament properly offered by a Roman Catholic priest. Kreager is quick to affirm the Vatican’s…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

…ers of difference separating him from “a car full of gentiles,” he knew to use Yiddish. In life, as in Little House, American Jews of Landon’s generation knew they were defined at least in part by language. It was natural, then, that when Landon finally told a Jewish story in his chosen medium, Yiddish would be used as a boundary, a marker of particular identity. Yet the meaning of any boundary depends on which side you’re on. Landon seems to have…

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Texas Faith Leaders Say Governor’s Use of Pandemic to Ban Abortion is an Attack on Religious Freedom (Updated)

…that it should exclude medication abortion, a two-pill process that can be used up to 10 weeks of gestation and that requires no hospital space or PPE. There followed “a series of dizzying legal twists and turns” in which the ban was blocked, reinstated, then blocked again. On April 13, the conservative 5th Circuit Court ruled that medication abortion is permitted but continued the ban on elective surgical abortion. The Just Texas panel discussion…

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From Engravings to Ultrasounds: The Politics of Imaging the Womb

…In comparison, Hunter betrayed no interest in the gender of the children housed in the uteruses he anatomized. Access to living images of the fetus facilitates our own obsession with gendering babies, even before their birth. But imaging technology also introduces difficult questions. Twenty-five states have passed laws regulating the use of ultrasound imaging when a woman seeks an abortion. In Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, the law requires an…

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Did Jesus Help Ghanaian Women with Birth Control?

…ive use amongst women of the Kassena-Nankana ethnic group in Ghana. She focuses on a study of contraceptive use and childbearing amongst women who attended evangelical churches: To their amazement, they found that female Christian converts were three times as likely to use family planning as women who retained their traditional African faith, and had significantly smaller families. The churches certainly didn’t promote family planning. But, despit…

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Mike Johnson’s Porn-Monitoring isn’t Just ‘Creepy’ — it’s a Window to the Fascist Desire Driving the White Evangelical Will to Power

…The church must remain clear that pornography is not essentially wrong because it is addictive, but because of its titillating and deceptive message: it rips sexuality from its relational context and presents human beings not as creatures made in God’s image, but as sexual commodities, something to be bought and sold.” Johnson’s comment about Roe v. Wade curtailing the production of “able bodied workers” essential to a thriving economy suggests th…

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RDBook: Apocalypse Without God

…ou suggest, the particular ethical-political question of water, partly because it’s not often thought of in ethical and political ways, and partly because I don’t think there’s an adequate realization of how critical this issue is. I think water will be the critical issue of the 21st century, even more so than oil. Why? Because there are substitutes for oil, even if they take a while to develop, and there is no substitute for water. The lack of aw…

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How to Slow Down the Rush to War: What Obama Should Do About Syria

…t crisis in Syria, in which the U.N. is blocked from acting decisively because Russia and China will use their vetoes against any action that imperils Assad, President Obama should call a conclave of the world’s other countries, all of them, and let them together decide on what should be done with regard to saving the people of Syria from its rogue regime. The specific use of chemical weapons should be referred to the World Court for possible tria…

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Reconsidering “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”: An Interview with Ethicist Eric Reitan

…. Yes, there’s real value to this “love the sinner” notion, but we need to use it carefully if we’re going to avoid turning it into a slogan we use to protect ourselves from criticism that we have fallen short with respect to love. That reminds me of Walter Wink, who said that our fight is against powers and principalities. Same with King, who didn’t see the people acting in what he considered evil ways as bad people, but people caught up in the c…

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