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A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…like, despite the fact that they are enemies, and that his support for the Iraq War helped to create the conditions in which and through which ISIS emerged. (Then he has the temerity to ask us to put our soldiers, civilians, and security at risk by pursuing another ill-advised conflict.) Netanyahu doesn’t just use anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment to win votes, justify occupation, or call for war—the violent consequences of his Islamophobia—but…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…oon Moghul notes in Salon, was born out of the catastrophic US invasion of Iraq. From the debris of that incredible mistake they have taken the technology of modernity and the rhetoric of the Hollywood action film to claim they’re building a caliphate. The crowd at Steenvorde and the subsequent fury of destruction they unleashed was not an isolated incident. Explosions of image destruction started in the 1530s and included cities like Basel, Augsb…

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Palin on Syria: Let “Allah” Sort it Out

…ment was nothing more than a play on a famous phrase (originating from Crusader Arnaud Amalric’s sacking of Beziers), which received an update by troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan (two wars Palin supported as “God’s will”): “Kill ‘em all. Let Allah Sort ‘em Out.”…

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Enlightenment Values Aren’t Just the Solution to Racism, They’re Also the Problem

…es. After the first Gulf War, we did not encourage Enlightenment ideals in Iraq, we imposed sanctions and violence, directly and indirectly. That is the lesson that Iraqis learned from us; the Enlightenment realities of control and enforcement. It’s no wonder that we were not met with roses after the second Gulf War. The difficult conversation we need to be having concerns our true ideals. We can keep declaring that it’s about the Enlightenment, b…

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Sam Harris and the New Islamophobes, Deconstructed

…m. But even Bernard Lewis, one of the leading defenders of the invasion of Iraq, has conceded that to blame Islam as an ideology for the present state of the Muslim world reeks of intellectual dishonesty. “If Islam is an obstacle to freedom, to science, to economic development,” Lewis asks, “how is it that Muslim society in the past was a pioneer in all three—and this when Muslims were much closer in time to the sources and inspiration of their fa…

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Not All Choice is Free

…from death penalty provisions? Why no such tax withholding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? And why is the state bending over backwards to accommodate these religious sentiments about contraception, rather than some others? One explanation might be historical: what a difference a generation makes. After thirty years of hammering away at the need for the secular state to accommodate religious objections to virtually every damn thing it does, t…

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The Internets Own Your Religion

…egister the “.shia” gTLD from. (More logical choices would have been Iran, Iraq, or Lebanon, where there are large numbers of Shi’ah, and well-established hierarchies. Although, looking over the names on the application there are some very Persianate names on the list, so it may be that the Turks are simply a proxy for another group.) This lack of clarity furthers the point that ICANN needs to have a policy of regulating the use of religions’ name…

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How Does Mormonism Shape Romney’s Foreign Policy?

…demographics, but essentially values-neutral and centered on defending and promoting the interests of large institutions that reward loyalty. We’ve seen this institutional loyalty-centered approach to foreign policy from LDS people in decision-making positions before. It was Jay Bybee (a lifelong Mormon and returned Mormon missionary who served in Chile during the Pinochet coup) who supervised and signed the 2002 “Torture Memos” effectively author…

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The 1000-year-old Muslim Perspective on Meat Eating

…o a 10th c. Shi’ah rationalist, philosophical movement based in modern-day Iraq. According to the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS), publishers of the most recent translation of the Epistles in English: Besides the filial observance of the teachings of the Qur’an and hadith, the Brethren also reverently appealed to the Torah of Judaism and to the Gospels of Christianity. Moreover, they heeded the legacies of the Stoics and of Pythagoras, Hermes T…

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When I Have Fears The Middle East May Cease To Be

…kistan struggle with extremism amplified by the roles of a murky military. Iraq and Syria tremble over sect, ethnicity, and identity. Tunisia and Turkey test the boundaries of secularism and faith. Morocco and Jordan contend with traditional monarchy and modern statehood. But as I watch the latest news from Egypt, that the country’s parliament has been dissolved by a Mubarak-era court, I wonder: Has the revolution ended before it began? (Revolutio…

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