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Australian Church Leaders See Marriage Vote as Battle for Soul of Australia: Global LGBT Recap 10/30

…verything we’ve been doing for the last 10 years,” Sinno says, speaking by phone from a recent tour stop in San Francisco. “A big part of what we do and why we address politics and gender and class and whatever – be that through our music and through our positions in the public eye – a big part of that is about trying to create sort of a cultural roster for people to identify with and feel emboldened by. And it felt like for a few days, we had to…

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Duterte Cites Catholic Heritage in Opposing Marriage Equality, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…nity.” Yann, 31, and Abdoul, 19, were arrested in the southwestern city of San Pedro in October after rumors spread about the nature of their relationship, leading Abdoul’s uncle to file a police complaint as he believed Yann was abusing his nephew. Rights activists say Ministry of Justice officials are considering changing the public indecency law so that it no longer singles out homosexual acts or relations. However much more needs to be done to…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…sion talking about the LGBT people being less than human. For example, the number two person in the state broadcasting company – actually now he’s the number one person – hosted a show devoted to the question of whether it was enough to protect our children to ban homosexual propaganda or whether more needed to be done. He argued that more needed to be done. He said and we need to outlaw blood and sperm donations by them. And if they die in car ac…

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The Three Qualities Marking the Capitol Assault as Terrorism

…35-year-old woman, Ashli Babbitt, had flown to Washington from her home in San Diego at the behest of Donald Trump who urged his supporters to interfere with the electoral vote tally. She had served for twelve years, including being a security guard for US Air Force bases, and had risen to the rank of Senior Airman. Her husband, who remained in San Diego, described her as an enthusiastic supporter of the President, but not emotionally unstable. Li…

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I Was a Stranger: New York Activists Stage a Lenten Action for Sanctuary

…other.” He added that the church should be “true to its values” and offer sanctuary in the event of mass deportations. Even San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, widely known as an ultra-conservative “culture warrior,” promised that immigrants in his diocese would “know their rights” and be “protected.” The Matthew 25 activists in New York hope Dolan will offer the same. One source I spoke to, a housing attorney and lay Catholic, told me…

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‘Almost Like Praying’: The Religious Work of ‘Hamilton’ Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda

…goes on to cast doubt on the reliability of both electricity and roads in San Juan, bitterly ironic in the current catastrophic moment but nasty enough in the original to read like Kipling, but with a quicker rhyme-scheme. As a project, “Almost Like Praying” is a motley collection of styles and voices, in true “puerto” fashion, the hybridity and default cosmopolitanism of port culture. But it’s also an exemplification of a model of community valu…

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Act, Pray, Tweet: What the H*ll To Do About Gun Violence?

…needy, stranger, and enemy. It calls murder a sin and crime, and provides sanctions (along with requirements for fairness and witness testimony in trials), just as it gives detailed instructions on aiding the downtrodden. Indeed, the idea that humanity only pray and wait for divine action would exempt us for any moral accountability for our communities. As long as I’m not the perp, such logic would go, I can fiddle—and pray—while San Bernadino bu…

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Google-Phonics, Or, ‘What Is the Sound of a Thousand Tech Workers Meditating?’

…pretty fast,” he explains, so he upgrades to the milli-phonic system—a thousand speakers—until this also fails to please. “So finally I got the googlephonic—the highest number of speakers before infinity.” He pauses dramatically before adding finally, “Sounds like shit.” In classic Martin style, he waits for the laughter to die down before adding the final punchline: “So I said, ‘Hey, maybe it’s the needle!’” The metaphor is apt. The gurus of Sili…

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The People’s Temple, the Black Church, and the Tragic Legacy of Jonestown

…n atheist, I question the Abrahamic traditions. Just because those are thousands of years old, just because they’ve been validated by scholars and religious leaders, that does not give them infallibility. Why has it been so easy for society to erase the memory of race with regard to the People’s Temple, to think of it as more or less a white movement? The truth of Jonestown has been lost because it’s been demonized to a certain extent. The impress…

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…ressure worked in this instance. Similar public pressure is playing out in San Francisco where wealthy and well-connected Catholics took out a newspaper ad calling for the replacement of Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone. His efforts to frontload a Catholic high school handbook with anti-gay rhetoric have punctuated his unpopular stint in San Francisco. The smart money is on him being promoted and relocated, as happened with Boston’s Cardinal Ber…

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