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Holding Out for a Hero: New ID Book Aims to Save You From Despair of Evolution

…doing. He will carry you out of the burning building of your own fear and pain and get you home safely. Despite Axe’s passionate call-to-action, heroes are actually not badly needed. But friends are. Good friends don’t need to be particularly heroic, pious, smart, strong, or good. They’re not free of fear or uncertainty. Rather, they’re just attentive enough to their own fears and uncertainties to support others who are facing the same. Unlike th…

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After Orlando: Love Wins, But When?

…ut our nation’s history, we have untied the knots of oppression only to be paralyzed by the choices of others, as if by snakebite. There is no magic or mystery in this. A friend reminds me that in rural areas, guns are symbols of independence, of taking care of your own, of putting meat on the table. Country people shy at the thought of giving up their rifles because they feel unheard and neglected by distant power, she says. I believe her; I know…

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The Problem with Christian Gentlemen: A Short Goodbye to Ted Cruz, the “Mr. Pecksniff” of Presidential Politics

…ecture, Pecksniff is adept at flimflamming prospective students (and their parents) into paying exorbitant fees to board at his house and learn at his feet. If one of the students should actually have a gift for drafting, Pecksniff passes the work off as his own. But his speech—oh, his sublime speech and gentle affect—is never less than sublimely Christ-like in the estimation of his many admirers. And this really is what gives the novel its satiri…

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An Open Letter to Black Clergy on the Disdain for Protest

…ffering of black people. Just as religious leaders of old encouraged their parishioners to pay tithes, adhere to strict religious observations, and obey the state, so it is now. To stand with police and politicians who demean and defame our community is not only shameful, it is heretical. You have touched and agreed with those who believe our youth are fit for the cross. At the same age when Jesus was lost in Egypt, we lost Tamir Rice. Rather than…

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Note for Today

…. I also hear from friends that they’ve had better communications before departure; so the right company goes a long way for the ‘before’ part. I’ll ket you know about during and after. White I just folded all my clothes for the hajj. Most of them are new, a few gifts came of late, so I have pants and long tops, dresses, and scarves. I feel like I need one more scarf. Not for sheer number, but for style; there are so many styles, and one has to de…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…n” was used as a kind of blanket locative to refer to the entire region of Palestine/Israel, where a pitched war campaign would take place signaling both the waning of the period of tribulation and the imminent physical return of Jesus to rule the millennium. From there, it was but a short step for the term to operate metonymically, referring not just to the place of battle, but the entire end-time the battle ushers in. In other words, it became n…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…” Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner point out the soft nature of Haredi sympathy for their ostensible partners. The article shows that while the Haredim enjoy the benefits of their lives in these settlements, by and large they have not become aligned, or even sympathetic, to Settler Zionism. Their position remains pragmatic; they do not see the state as a vehicle of redemption, and they have a nuanced sense of “security” that is not founded on the…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…ced by the nominally socialist government (PASOK) of Prime Minister George Papandreou.  At the very heart of the scandal lay this storied Byzantine monastery on Mount Athos. It is currently being sued for the return of government property, with damages. It has already been subject to one government investigation and is now being investigated again. Its story runs in surreal parallel to the story of the Greek nation I just rehearsed.  Trading a Wor…

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RDBook: Apocalypse Without God

…no, I don’t buy that. The way I always define the divine is the rising and passing away that does not itself arise and pass away or, as I have already suggested, the infinite creative process. There isn’t a divine creator, but creativity is divine. Creativity is an emergent process, and creation always entails destruction. I’ve rethought this in terms of these complex information-processing because I think all these systems are basically distribut…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…e protagonists in an age-old Jewish dispute. Shas’s Yishai represented the particularistic, parochial protector of Jewish continuity from the ravages of assimilation and intermarriage. Wiesel et. al. took the side of the Jewish universalist, extrapolating lessons from the Jews’ long history of painful deportations to learn empathy for all humanity. On August 1, the cabinet struck a compromise. A Jewish state must address both sets of concerns. It…

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