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Cozy Cottage or House on Fire? Thomas Kinkade’s Theo-Aesthetic Legacy

…scape painting became one of the great vehicles. Casper David Friedrich in Germany, Francisco Goya in Spain, and William Blake and JMW Turner in England are among the best known. Across the Atlantic the Hudson River School of Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church, and Thomas Cole followed their European counterparts as Westward expansion and continental colonization revealed dramatic new visions of nature: the Hudson Valley, the Catskills, the Rockies…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…he Liberty Counsel proclaimed, was “comparable to the religious leaders in Germany who supported Adolf Hitler.” Of course spirituality already exists in abortion clinics. Kromenaker estimated that over 80% of the women who come to the RRWC grew up going to church. One of five states with only a single abortion provider, North Dakota is primarily Catholic and Lutheran. Even though women might worry that God will never forgive them or that they’ll g…

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What Will Romney Do about Bryan Fischer’s Gloating Over Grenell?

…s chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots, and even swastikas.” Republican politicians have had many opportunities to declare Fischer out of bounds, or at least put some distance between them. But they have declined to do so, for the most part, except for Romney’s rebuke at VVS. Recall what Romney said then: Poisonous language does…

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Chris Caldwell Sees Muslim Bogeymen. Again.

…governments that have created Islam councils, whether in France, Britain, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, or Belgium. These councils, still in their infancy, have helped a new generation of Muslims feel that they can, and should, be both Muslim and European. The Islam councils attract, engage and sustain a robust Muslim leadership that argues within its ranks but also with the larger society that Islam and Europe must craft a shared des…

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The Redemptive Power of Jewish Self-Hatred

…d as a “crucial example” for anybody? They had enough problems in interwar Germany. But Reitter’s goal, thankfully, is not to resurrect these idiosyncratic notions of Jewish self-hatred. Instead he wants to correct misconceptions about “terminological differences.” His arguments are convincing; however, while the book is short, readable, and enlightening, it is a work of scholarship—Reitter assumes that the reader is familiar with the previous wor…

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The King of Irony

…nation in films of racist hate rallies, whether in anti-Semitic rallies in Germany in the 1930s, in Alabama in the 1960s, or in Yorba Linda this February. What kind of “cooperation” does King want? In reporting instances of planned violence, Muslims have been not just cooperative, but proactive. The Nigerian would-be airplane bomber was reported by his own father. The attempted Times Square bomber was first identified by a Muslim street vendor. Wo…

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Mike Huckabee’s Army of Anti-Gay Zealots

…tial prospect to speak to Pastors’ Policy Briefings that Wildmon headlined in early primary states like Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida. At the Florida event, Huckabee suggested that America with secular governance was just like Nazi Germany. Huckabee had been participating in similar events since his days as Arkansas governor, but they really proved helpful to him in his presidential campaign. A video of the 2008 Iowa meeting was distributed to…

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Pastors Urged to Defy IRS to Defeat Evil, Hitlerian Obama

…t Saturday’s “America for Jesus” rally in Philadelphia, which kicked off a number of prayer-and-fasting campaigns designed to influence the outcome of the November elections. On today’s call, John Hagee insisted that St. Paul had instructed Christians to stand on the evil day, and that “the evil day is here.” He cited Bonhoffer looking the evil of Naziism in the face in Hitler’s Germany. Americans, he said are being “trampled” by the “secular left…

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Arrest the Pope: New Atheist Effort to Seek Justice in Sexual Abuse Crisis Should Be Applauded

…despread sexual abuse throughout Europe—first in Ireland, then in Austria, Germany and other countries—is the third such round of endemic abuse and cover-up. The first was in the 1980s in the United States arising out of charges of abuse in Louisiana; clean-up was, of course, promised. Those charges were followed by the 2002 Boston Globe exposé; clean up was again promised, but the bishops and cardinals responsible are, in one way or another, stil…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…Altis of Olympia in 1936, then carried overland by runners from Greece to Germany (the event in Leni Reifenstahl’s famous film, Olympia). Coubertin, for whom Berlin was to be the last Olympiad, loved the idea. It captured much of what he was after with his revival. But after the war that followed so tragically and so soon, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) needed to detach the flame from its historical origins if they wanted to maintain i…

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