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“I Am Gay” Billboard Causes Stir in New York

…But, Rev. Thompkins wasn’t alone: Daycare provider Pamela Spicer told the City Council […] that her clients read the billboards as she drives them to events in the city. She offers daycare to a 2-year-old, 4-year-old and 8-year-old. “When I’m driving them to the Schenectady Public Library and they say, ‘What does gay mean?’ how do I answer that question?” she said. “How do I expose them to such content?” My suggestion would be to tell the little…

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Ross Douthat: Trump Is Women’s Fault for Not Having More Babies

…lking Dead” set—and that’s not just because the only viable concern in the city is a special effects monster-make-up school. The city itself is literally rotting. Small trees sprout from crumbling brick buildings that line downtown streets that once thrummed with people. The modest wood-frame houses in the neighborhood that once abutted the Wheeling & Pittsburgh Steel mill are rotting, overgrown with ivy and weeds, and largely abandoned. Just outs…

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Mormon Group Digging for Scriptural City of Zarahemla in Iowa is a Portrait of Religious Nationalism

…ch has taken to the cornfields of Montrose, Iowa in search of Zarahemla, a city frequently mentioned in the Book of Mormon. From the coverage one might reasonably conclude that a Latter-day Saint group is simply seeking to find corroboration for their scriptures—which is certainly the case—but lurking beneath the surface is something quite a bit darker. The HRG is one of several groups that believes in what’s known as the Heartland model; to them,…

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Why Build a Mormon Complex in Philly?

…ation nationwide, they are but a small fraction in this northeastern city, numbering just over 40,000. Despite their small numbers, the church is rumored to have spent upwards of 100 million dollars to build this temple, located in a prime downtown location, and constructed with detailed craftsmanship rarely seen in contemporary buildings. In terms of sheer size it rivals the nearby Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, and the headquarters…

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A Pair of Exhibitions Demonstrate How Biases Color the History of Jerusalem

…unning, astounding, gorgeous—exhausting to the eyes and the thesaurus. The city itself is tougher to characterize. We’re dealing with a millennium of history in one city. Was it rich or poor? Filthy or pristine? Christian, Muslim or Jewish? It seems silly to pretend that we can say with any authority what it is and was. Because in their days as in ours, it depends on who’s looking. “Jerusalem 1000-1400” runs until January 8; “Faith and Photography…

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Are Muslims Nuts?

…further why even when so few Muslims do resort to violent actions, a good number of their co-religionists are reluctant to entirely dismiss them. Indeed, many more Muslims protested peacefully against “The Innocence of Muslims” than did violently, even though their numbers together were still incredibly small. In his introduction to Sufism for Non-Sufis?, University of Southern California Professor Sherman Jackson notes that we cannot separate Is…

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Do iPads Cause Religious Experiences?

…scraper might include specific floors for various types of work, in an old city one can find butchers or doctors distributed quite randomly, depending on the history of the city. Burkhard Bilger, in a recent New Yorker profile of neuroscientist David Eagleman, describes this transition in our understanding of how the brain keeps time. During the mid-nineteenth century, the prevailing theory was that there was a single, integrated time-keeper somew…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…tia groups—were introduced in at least seven[68] Virginia counties and one city shortly before or just after the VCDL’s Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution push was complete. Like the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions, the wording of the proposed militia recognitions was virtually identical. The two campaigns varied only in their level of success. Unlike the VCDL’s Sanctuary resolutions, of the seven counties and one city that considered mi…

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Is ISIS Islamic? Is it a State?

…trol is administered as a state. According to some reports from Mosul, the city is better managed than it was before, largely because old Baath party members and officers in Saddam Hussein’s army who had been denied employment by the Shi’a dominated government in Baghdad before now had the opportunity to return to work, and to run the city efficiently. So despite our reluctance to honor it with the term “state,” ISIS actually is operating a kind o…

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No Room for Non-Theists at Boston Interfaith Service

…ist chaplain—he was not invited or included to participate in “Healing Our City.” This interfaith memorial event, held at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston on Wednesday, April 18, was attended by President Obama along with representatives from the Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim faiths. Epstein notes, “We weren’t asking to speak and would have been more than content with simply an invitation to sit in an official capac…

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